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issue 158 may june 2022

This page shows the articles in issue 158 may june 2022 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.

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30 results found:
  • Satellites just the beginning in sensor journey
    Satellites just the beginning in sensor journey
    Issue 158, May-June 2022 - 26 May 2022

    At just 35, Ben Boughton’s remote-sensing journey has already included a Nuffield Australia Scholarship and an agtech start-up. With that business sold, he is looking at how satellite imagery and other technology can help on the family farm

  • Machine learning swinging the odds against weeds
    Machine learning swinging the odds against weeds
    Issue 158, May-June 2022 - 25 May 2022

    Weed technologies are evolving as new control options are developed. Optical spot sprayers are being increasingly adopted across Queensland’s Darling Downs and northern NSW, while the Single family has taken to the skies with a drone-mounted weed detector

  • Weed detection technologies taking flight
    Weed detection technologies taking flight
    Issue 158, May-June 2022 - 24 May 2022

    Just four years ago, Guy Coleman began working as a precision weed control scientist in rural NSW. He has since created an open-source weed detector to help educate and improve these technologies

  • Online gallery puts everyone in the weeds control picture
    Online gallery puts everyone in the weeds control picture
    Issue 158, May-June 2022 - 23 May 2022

    An industry first open-source platform that provides a place for contributions aims to overcome a lack of weed images that has been hampering the development of weed-specific controls.

  • Sensor helps untangle sorghum’s complicated water use interactions
    Sensor helps untangle sorghum’s complicated water use interactions
    Issue 158, May-June 2022 - 22 May 2022

    Although sowing sorghum in winter helps avoid stress at sensitive crop stages, little is known about root growth and function in cold soils, or how genotype and management combinations affect root growth and water use. A sensor is helping to fill in those gaps

  • Prize to test novel frost intervention feasibility
    Prize to test novel frost intervention feasibility
    Issue 158, May-June 2022 - 13 May 2022

    Mitigating frost in cropping systems is complex, but there may be a new tool available in the future through some creative thinking on behalf of two young scientists. Jaco Zandberg and Samantha Harvie from the University of Western Australia are investigating a novel way to disrupt the action of ice nucleating bacteria. The proof-of-concept study is being supported by a Federal Government’s Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment 2022 Science and Innovation Award won by Mr Zandberg and provided by GRDC.

  • Frost physiology knowledge base grows
    Frost physiology knowledge base grows
    Issue 158, May-June 2022 - 11 May 2022

    GRDC takes a multi-pronged approach to supporting Australian growers in the crop production decisions they make. Training scientists for the future is key to its capacity building agenda and an example is Mr Brenton Leske, who since completing his PhD at the University of Western Australia, embedded in the GRDC’s former National Frost Initiative investment and supported through DPIRD’s postgraduate scholarship program, has now returned to DPIRD to co-lead the frost research, developing frost management knowledge and tools for growers.

  • Innovators turn straw into renewable ammonia
    Innovators turn straw into renewable ammonia
    Issue 158, May-June 2022 - 10 May 2022

    Increasing fertiliser prices and lack of security of supply, together with a need to use more sustainable resources, have been the catalyst for two innovative companies to consider ways to produce hydrogen from crop straw. HydGene Renewables and Wildfire Energy have been supported by the Australian Government’s Business Research and Innovation Initiative to develop their proof-of-concept technologies that have the potential to be used on-farm, in sustainable circular economies.

  • Putting a value on legume legacies
    Putting a value on legume legacies
    Issue 158, May-June 2022 - 09 May 2022

    Researchers have estimated the lasting impacts of legumes on canola

  • Windrowing an aid to harvest logistics
    Windrowing an aid to harvest logistics
    Issue 158, May-June 2022 - 08 May 2022

    A small on-farm trial compared direct heading of canola versus windrowing at Breil Jackson’s property near Nyngan, New South Wales

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