Acid soil research priorities identified
Rustproofing cereals to protect harvests
26 Mar 2025Wheat diseases cost Australian cereal growers about $1 billion a year. Stripe rust is the second-largest contributor. However, it would be far greater without existing control strategies and the research behind them.
Integrated approach to pests on-farm
25 Mar 2025To ensure pest control strategies are effective, it is crucial to diversify the approach taken and reduce reliance on any...
Eyes on exotic pests
24 Mar 2025Despite Australia’s stringent pre-border and border controls, exotic pests still pose a threat. Early detection of these pests is vital in preventing outbreaks that could...
Farming systems trials go paddock-scale
22 Mar 20256 The Southern New South Wales farming systems project has extended small-plot experiments at Condobolin, Greenethorpe, Wagga Wagga, and Urana until 2027. Enhanced research components, co-invested...
Diversity is a defence against weeds
21 Mar 2025A diverse crop sequence can cost-effectively help reduce the annual ryegrass population. From 2014 to 2017, CSIRO's research at Temora, NSW, funded by GRDC, compared three farming systems' effects on the annual ryegrass seedbank. The initial ryegrass population was 1864 plants per square meter. System 1 used a conservative canola-wheat-wheat sequence, System 2 an aggressive canola-wheat-wheat sequence, and System 3...
Time to reflect as growers weigh up mostly positive harvest results
19 Mar 2025Grain growers from across Australia report on how the season is progressing as they gear up for harvest. The growers...
GRDC seeks grains industry experts for regional panels
18 Mar 2025GRDC is seeking grain growers, agronomists, researchers and agricultural industry stakeholders keen to ensure Australian grains research delivers impact for...