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GRDC Websites

77 results found
  • Opportunity knocks for mungbeans this season
    Northern, 28 Jun 2024
    Opportunity knocks for mungbeans this season

    Mungbeans have been exceptional this season for south-eastern Queensland growers Peter and Kylie Bach, with an extra burst of rain boosting yields and even causing early sown crops to re-pod.

  • On-farm storage essential for timely harvest
    Northern, 20 Mar 2024
    On-farm storage essential for timely harvest

    New storage complexes and nutrient management plans reflect how both farming innovation and wider industry changes are playing out for Central Queensland growers Gordon, Meredith and Rohan Staal.

  • Contractors put weather damage worries on the back foot
    Northern, 28 Feb 2024
    Contractors put weather damage worries on the back foot

    Jarrod Amery outlines the challenges and opportunities facing his farm business south of Forbes in central New South Wales.

  • Agronomy benchmarking program builds confidence to boost nitrogen inputs
    Northern, 22 Feb 2024
    Agronomy benchmarking program builds confidence to boost nitrogen inputs

    Cameron Sandral says participating in GRDC’s Hyper Yielding Crops awards has lifted confidence to increase urea inputs.

  • Diversification keeps family business on the move
    Northern, 10 Nov 2023
    Diversification keeps family business on the move

    Enterprise diversity, via earthmoving and contracting, has helped ride out quiet times for the Jackson brothers, a northern NSW farming family. Capturing the development of a new 1000-hectare block for their YouTube channel has also helped bring a new audience to grain growing. However, with the new farm needing work, they need to take a step back from contracting for a while.

  • Skin in the game helps to retain quality farm staff
    Northern, 03 Oct 2023
    Skin in the game helps to retain quality farm staff

    Most of the 11 full-time employees who work on Beau Longmire's 1700-hectare southern NSW grain growing property have some personal investment in parts of the business, and it is this “skin in the game” that he believes helps him to retain quality staff. The approach is currently based on machinery ownership, although Beau sees opportunities for different strategies in the future.

  • Two young guns take over from guru of grain storage
    Northern, 28 Sep 2023
    Two young guns take over from guru of grain storage

    Renowned grain storage specialist Philip Burrill has retired after 25 years of supporting grain growers in Queensland and New South Wales. Two successors, Alex Conway and Brock Dembowski, who trained under Burrill, will now provide expert advice to the industry. Conway, based in Toowoomba, specializes in agricultural engineering and grain storage R&D, while Dembowski, located in Townsville, focuses on North Queensland growers. The transition ensures ongoing support through the 1800 WEEVIL hotline and the GRDC grain storage website.

  • Bumper yields illustrate levelling approach works
    Northern, 19 Sep 2023
    Bumper yields illustrate levelling approach works

    Despite a flood event in the middle of planting, crops planted on levelled country not only coped but also flourished.

  • Healthy soil approach makes the most of any season
    Northern, 12 Sep 2023
    Healthy soil approach makes the most of any season

    A sound five-year plan, backed by nutrition and disease management, has helped improve overall enterprise wellbeing for this Condamine cotton and grain business

  • Technology enthusiasts put precision to work to boost grain yields
    Northern, 19 Jun 2023
    Technology enthusiasts put precision to work to boost grain yields

    Wheat grain protein maps guide urea inputs and improve yields.

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