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GRDC Websites

132 results found
  • Hands-on with the latest farm machinery innovations
    Events, 26 Jul 2024
    Hands-on with the latest farm machinery innovations

    Western Australian grain growers and advisers will have the opportunity to get hands-on with the latest agricultural machinery innovations at an upcoming Live Machinery Demonstration Day in North Cunderdin on August 15.Hosted by the Western Australian No-Till Farming Association (WANTFA), the event is an investment of the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and will focus on variable rate technology (VRT) as well as new machinery options available to growers.

  • WeedSmart Week 2024 brings insights and innovations to EP
    Events, 16 Jul 2024
    WeedSmart Week 2024 brings insights and innovations to EP

    WeedSmart, the industry-led initiative to enhance on-farm weed control and manage herbicide resistance issues in Australian cropping, will hold its 11th annual ‘WeedSmart Week’ event at Port Lincoln, South Australia on July 29 and 30 2024.WeedSmart Week brings together local and interstate growers, agronomists and industry experts to learn and discuss effective weed control strategies, technologies and herbicide resistance issues.The event is presented annually in partnership with platinum partner the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), along with other sponsors that include major life science companies, spray technology and machinery dealers, state agriculture departments and university researchers.

  • Tasmanian grain growers to help shape research investment
    Events, 09 Jul 2024
    Tasmanian grain growers to help shape research investment

    Grain growers in Tasmania’s Hagley and Launceston regions are invited to help direct how their levies should be invested in research, development and extension (RD&E) at a grower forum to be held in July. GRDC will hold a National Grower Network (NGN) forum in Prospect Vale (Tasmania) on Tuesday 23 July 2024, with growers, researchers, advisers, agronomists and industry representatives encouraged to attend.

  • AEGIC eLearning to strengthen the Indonesia market
    Events, 05 Jul 2024
    AEGIC eLearning to strengthen the Indonesia market

    AEGIC’s new eLearning training program is helping to foster closer connections with flour mills in Indonesia. Developed by AEGIC, in partnership with Grains Australia (a GRDC initiative) and IA-CEPA ECP Katalis, the online training is designed to upskill workers and improve efficiency in Indonesia’s rapidly growing flour milling industry.

  • Join the Conversation: GRDC forums seek grower insight
    Events, 28 Jun 2024
    Join the Conversation: GRDC forums seek grower insight

    Grain growers in northeast New South Wales and southern Queensland are encouraged to participate in the upcoming National Grower Network (NGN) forums hosted by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC). The forums, starting in Spring Ridge on July 2, will proceed to Bellata and Moree on July 3, and Thallon on July 4. Led by GRDC grower relations managers Bob Ford, Sally Dickinson, and Bec Raymond, along with crop protection manager Michael Thompson, these events are crucial for growers, advisers, and industry professionals to share insights, raise local issues, and contribute ideas directly to GRDC. The forums are designed to ensure that GRDC's research, development, and extension (RD&E) initiatives align with the real-world challenges faced by the grain-growing community. Additionally, the events provide attendees with updates on the latest research investments and new technologies available for adoption.

  • Central Queensland cropping and agronomy workshops
    Events, 21 Jun 2024
    Central Queensland cropping and agronomy workshops

    A series of specialised cropping and agronomy workshops are set to take place next week, aimed at providing Central Queensland growers with an overview of key agronomic issues this season. Scheduled for Gindie on June 25 and Clermont on June 26, the sessions will cover topics such as chickpea disease, Fall armyworm, mungbean agronomy, and weed control strategies. These workshops will run alongside a Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) National Grower Network forum, providing a platform for local growers and agronomists to discuss issues affecting on-farm profitability. Collaborators include WeedSmart, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI), Australian Mungbean Association (AMA), and Censeo Field and Lab. WeedSmart’s Paul McIntosh emphasized the importance of these workshops in addressing critical agronomic challenges in Central Queensland farming systems.

  • Business planning and staff retention focus at July regional workshops
    Events, 17 Jun 2024
    Business planning and staff retention focus at July regional workshops

    The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) will host the 2024 Farm Business Updates in Three Springs, Calingiri, and Nyabing this July. These events are designed to enhance grain growers' farm business management skills by offering them access to the latest practices and concepts. GRDC senior regional manager – west, Peter Bird, emphasized that these updates are crucial for supporting the future of farming enterprises by providing valuable insights and strategies. The 2024 program includes topics such as strategic business planning, people management, carbon farming, and renewable energy integration. These sessions will be delivered by expert local and interstate presenters, aiming to drive high-performing farms.

  • What growers need to know this season…
    Events, 10 Jun 2024
    What growers need to know this season…

    The upcoming grains information events in southern Queensland and northern New South Wales will cover key topics like the use of satellites and drones for on-farm decision-making, connectivity for remote locations, and the latest management strategies for Fall armyworm (FAW). Organized by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), the events will start in July and run through mid-August. The main two-day GRDC Grains Research Update will be held in Goondiwindi on July 30 and 31, providing crucial research information to grain growers and their advisers, focusing on the current winter season and upcoming summer crops. Rebecca Raymond, GRDC Grower Relations Manager – North, highlighted the importance of these updates, emphasizing their role in supporting informed on-farm decisions and sharing innovative technology research.

  • Grower input sought at upcoming GRDC forums
    Events, 07 Jun 2024
    Grower input sought at upcoming GRDC forums

    The upcoming forums across Western Australia's grainbelt will focus on the research priorities of local grain growers. Organized by the National Grower Network (NGN), an initiative of the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), these forums provide a crucial link between on-the-ground issues and research investment. Starting on June 24 in Varley, the forums will continue throughout June, July, and August, bringing together growers, advisers, and industry professionals to discuss and raise local issues with GRDC. Jo Wheeler, GRDC grower relations manager, emphasized that the forums offer an opportunity for growers to hear about the latest research results and contribute their ideas and issues to shape new research, development, and extension (RD&E).

  • Spotlight on high performance farming
    Events, 06 Jun 2024
    Spotlight on high performance farming

    The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) is hosting Farm Business Updates in Yarrawonga and Bendigo for Victorian grain growers interested in enhancing farm profitability and sustainability. The events will cover topics such as farm business strategy, carbon emissions strategies, communication and delegation, innovative employee rewards, above-average profit, and proactive procurement practices. Notable speakers include Andrew Russell, Reanna Browne, and Claudia Mitchell, who will provide insights on effective time management and future-oriented thinking. The updates aim to increase awareness of key farm business decisions affecting profit and risk, and encourage the implementation of innovative agronomic practices.

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