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Soil Acidity Workshop shares learnings, strategies and technologies

‘Acid Soils Southern Region’ project lead, SARDI soil scientist Brian Hughes, describes the National Soil Acidity Workshop as a one-off opportunity to learn from acidification experiences around the country.
Photo: Belinda Cay, AgCommunicators

GRDC will host a national meeting in Adelaide on 19 February 2025 for grain industry participants to share knowledge on managing soil acidity in cropping systems.

Soil acidification occurs naturally but can limit root function and crop yields if left untreated.

The Soil Acidity Workshop will bring together researchers, growers, advisers and industry representatives to extend key findings to help reduce soil acidity constraints across a range of climate, soil and crops.

Attendance is free as part of a GRDC investment to overcome soil acidity constraints to crop production in the southern region – the GRDC Acid Soils Southern Region project.

Researchers and industry representatives from New South Wales (NSW), South Australia (SA), Victoria (Vic) and Western Australia (WA) will provide updates on the acid soil issues, research projects and management strategies being undertaken in their states.

Brian Hughes from the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI), the research division of the Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA) leads the project. He said parts of Western Australia and Victoria have been managing soil acidification for many more years than South Australia, so learning from their experiences should be extremely useful.

“Places with more acidic inherent soils developed acidity earlier than in SA, where cropping soils were generally neutral to alkaline,” he said.

“Now that we are in a similar position, the lessons learned on low buffering sands in WA, for example, should be very useful here.

The workshop will be a unique opportunity for South Australians with an interest in increasing or providing information on lime usage to hear from a wide range of sources and projects.

“Agronomists, agribusinesses, researchers, landscape managers and even lime suppliers can build their knowledge and networks by attending.”

Other topics to be covered will include the use of soil pH and Normalised Difference Vegetative Index (NDVI) mapping to monitor soil acidification; managing lime supply and demand; greenhouse gas production from surface liming’ acid soil management tactics for growers; and new rhizobia strains for inoculating legumes.

GRDC Manager Sustainable Cropping Systems – South Dr Giacomo Betti says GRDC's focus on managing soil acidity helps Australian growers overcome a key soil issue that can affect crop yields and profits.

“By supporting research and development projects, GRDC is helping to improve the understanding and management of soil acidification, enabling better soil health and nutrient availability,” he said.

Ultimately, this helps boost on-farm productivity and profitability, while promoting long-term sustainability for future farming.

While soil acidification is a normal consequence of productive agricultural systems, if left untreated it can develop into stubborn subsurface acid layers, toxic aluminium concentrations and a range of other soil constraints that can significantly impact root function and grain yields.

General increases in crop productivity due to improved genetics and management, plus the expansion of pulses and increased fertiliser nitrogen inputs are expected to increase rates of soil acidification. This can impact intensively cropped areas growing pH-sensitive crops, such as lentils, chickpeas, faba beans and barley.

GRDC is investing in projects with state-based partners to improve knowledge of how to treat soil acidification and educate growers on ways to recognise and manage falling soil pH.

The GRDC Acid Soils Southern Region project is undertaken with the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI), the University of Adelaide, South Australian Department for Environment and Water, Trengove Consulting and AgCommunicators.

Full details for the 2025 Soil Acidity Workshop, along with a range of grower resources, are available on the GRDC Acid Soils Southern Region project website.

Event details

2025 Soil Acidity Workshop
Wednesday 19 February 2025 from 9.30 to 4.30pm
SARDI Plant Research Centre Seminar Room
University of Adelaide Waite Campus
Waite Road, Urrbrae SA

Please note that registration is essential. Register now for the 2025 Soil Acidity Workshop.

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