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GRDC Websites

23 results found
  • Help at hand for better frost decisions
    Frost Management, 10 May 2024
    Help at hand for better frost decisions

    A key feature of a GRDC investment managed by Mallee Sustainable Farming, the 'Better Frost Decisions' Facebook page is a dynamic community resource where growers and agronomists share their experiences, insights and management strategies around frost. As well as a practical resource, the page is also a valuable personal support.

  • Timely support for frost-risk regions
    Frost Management, 09 May 2024
    Timely support for frost-risk regions

    A suite of resources drawing on the knowledge of agronomists across the Mallee has been developed to help mitigate against the economic and emotional toll of frost damage. It includes a three-year program to help growers mitigate against the impact of frost has provided new tools, strategies and support networks to help minimise risk and lessen damage caused by the unpredictable and sometimes catastrophic natural event.

  • Technology offers real-time support during frost events
    Frost Management, 21 Feb 2024
    Technology offers real-time support during frost events

    Alerts and step-by-step decision support are now available to help manage frost damage in real time, with the support delivered through a Facebook group

  • Soil amelioration methods tested in frost mitigation trial
    Frost Management, 07 Sep 2023
    Soil amelioration methods tested in frost mitigation trial

    Trials on the Eyre Peninsula are finding that soil amelioration may have a role to play in mitigating damage to crops from frequent and severe frost events on sandy soils.

  • Study tour reveals big differences between frost strategies
    Frost Management, 05 Jun 2023
    Study tour reveals big differences between frost strategies

    14 Western Australian growers journeyed across South Australia and Victoria on a three-day frost study tour last September in the pursuit of an improved understanding of frost risk management strategies.

  • Frost and heat risks quantified with new major project
    Frost Management, 05 Nov 2022
    Frost and heat risks quantified with new major project

    GRDC is investing in major, new, four-year projects with CSIRO and the University of Sydney to make this happen. The projects will link researchers with agricultural technology companies to deliver next-generation decision-support tools. The new digital products will make decision-making simpler for growers with paddock planning and tactical responses during the growing season following a frost or damaging hot weather.

  • Novel in-season approach may help growers avoid frost damage
    Frost Management, 01 Aug 2022
    Novel in-season approach may help growers avoid frost damage

    A $5.45 million, three-year co-investment between GRDC and a research consortium led by Field Applied Research (FAR) Australia will trial novel in-season approaches, across varying agro-ecological zones and multiple seasons, to provide growers with confidence in adopting new management strategies to mitigate frost risk.

  • Are bacteria a part of the frost puzzle?
    Frost Management, 27 May 2022
    Are bacteria a part of the frost puzzle?

    Frost is a complex constraint on crop production, inflicted primarily by severe weather conditions, but a new look is being taken using state-of-the art techniques at the potential role of ice nucleating bacteria. If research can confirm the part these bacteria may play it may provide new tools for growers to manage frost.

  • Prize to test novel frost intervention feasibility
    Frost Management, 13 May 2022
    Prize to test novel frost intervention feasibility

    Mitigating frost in cropping systems is complex, but there may be a new tool available in the future through some creative thinking on behalf of two young scientists. Jaco Zandberg and Samantha Harvie from the University of Western Australia are investigating a novel way to disrupt the action of ice nucleating bacteria. The proof-of-concept study is being supported by a Federal Government’s Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment 2022 Science and Innovation Award won by Mr Zandberg and provided by GRDC.

  • Frost physiology knowledge base grows
    Frost Management, 11 May 2022
    Frost physiology knowledge base grows

    GRDC takes a multi-pronged approach to supporting Australian growers in the crop production decisions they make. Training scientists for the future is key to its capacity building agenda and an example is Mr Brenton Leske, who since completing his PhD at the University of Western Australia, embedded in the GRDC’s former National Frost Initiative investment and supported through DPIRD’s postgraduate scholarship program, has now returned to DPIRD to co-lead the frost research, developing frost management knowledge and tools for growers.

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