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GRDC Websites

51 results found
  • From desktop planning to paddock action
    Business Management, 03 Jun 2024
    From desktop planning to paddock action

    An interactive web application that allows growers to virtually test and optimise operational plans is being adapted for Australian conditions

  • ‘Fast graphs’ support thinking around nitrogen
    Business Management, 01 May 2024
    ‘Fast graphs’ support thinking around nitrogen

    Part of the RiskWi$e initiative, the Fast Graphs for Slow Thinking tool is helping growers make more informed decisions to maximise rewards and minimise the downside of risk when it comes to nitrogen inputs. South Australian grower Barry Mudge says the initiative is about understanding variability and thinking about it wisely.

  • Help never far away in the wide-ranging agronomy network
    Business Management, 17 Apr 2024
    Help never far away in the wide-ranging agronomy network

    Maintaining a healthy balance between professional and personal lives is essential for career longevity and to prevent burnout. It is also vital to develop and maintain networks of people who can provide support and advice when needed. These are the main messages from both established agronomists and relative newcomers who are successfully carving out a career in the field.

  • IPM Checklist: a step-by-step guide for a sustainable grains industry
    Business Management, 13 Nov 2023
    IPM Checklist: a step-by-step guide for a sustainable grains industry

    New GRDC IPM Checklist: Step-by-Step Sustainable Pest Management Guide for Australian Grain Industry, Aligning with IPM Principles, Enhancing Farm Profitability and Reducing Insecticide Resistance Risks.

  • Measuring harvest loss in WA
    Business Management, 12 Oct 2023
    Measuring harvest loss in WA

    An assessment of harvest losses in WA has led recommendations on how best to recoup some of the estimated $320 million worth of grain left in paddocks in 2022

  • Clarity and communication key to keeping quality staff
    Business Management, 09 Oct 2023
    Clarity and communication key to keeping quality staff

    Farm enterprises that want to attract and retain high-quality employees must adapt to the times and think carefully about their recruitment processes, experts and growers say. They say that farming businesses that focus on team engagement will perform better and be more productive and profitable.

  • Barley management to close yield gaps
    Business Management, 06 Oct 2023
    Barley management to close yield gaps

    Diverse issues relating to barley crops are being explored through NGN-driven projects

  • Farm Safety Week 2023: Spotlight on safe use of farm plant and machinery
    Business Management, 20 Jul 2023
    Farm Safety Week 2023: Spotlight on safe use of farm plant and machinery

    The Grains Research and Development Corporation northern region panel member was sharing his experiences this week as part of the national Farm Safety Week.

  • SA growers invited to master farm business management
    Business Management, 27 Jun 2023
    SA growers invited to master farm business management

    SA’s Eyre and Yorke Peninsulas are invited to Farm Business Updates in July.

  • Researchers release preliminary scorecard on cropping system profit and risk
    Soil and Nutrition, 08 Jun 2023
    Researchers release preliminary scorecard on cropping system profit and risk

    Profitable cropping systems can be simple or complex, but experiments at two locations over five years showed that diverse systems with pulses were less risky.

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