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77 results found
  • Clocking up a week’s work in just one day
    Northern, 02 May 2023
    Clocking up a week’s work in just one day

    Northern grower Tom Coggan shares how robots have helped alleviate on-farm labour issues.

  • Nuffield scholar to explore sustainable intensification
    Northern, 10 Mar 2023
    Nuffield scholar to explore sustainable intensification

    Keen to transition between grazing and cropping on his family's farm, Tim Houston will explore how to sustainably transition land via a Nuffield Scholarship, seeing how other countries have managed this process to achieve a positive triple bottom-line outcome.

  • Agronomy benchmarks fine-tune crop knowledge
    Northern, 09 Nov 2022
    Agronomy benchmarks fine-tune crop knowledge

    Damien Schneider says on-farm trials and agronomy benchmarking have helped lift wheat yields on his farm, with further fine-tuning on the agenda

  • Deep-banded nutrients pay off for northern growers
    Northern, 06 Oct 2022
    Deep-banded nutrients pay off for northern growers

    The benefits of deep-banded phosphorus and potassium continue to shine for grain growers in the northern region.

  • Cotton ripper converted for deep-banding job
    Northern, 19 Sep 2022
    Cotton ripper converted for deep-banding job

    Moree-based grower Michael Ledingham is keen to address declining phosphorus via deep banding.

  • Hardy legume adds nitrogen in drought
    Northern, 18 Jun 2022
    Hardy legume adds nitrogen in drought

    Biserrula has proven to be a drought-hardy alternative to subclover pasture and field peas north of Condobolin, where Paul Sinderberry and Sarah Wrigley produce grain and beef cattle.

  • Satellites just the beginning in sensor journey
    Northern, 26 May 2022
    Satellites just the beginning in sensor journey

    At just 35, Ben Boughton’s remote-sensing journey has already included a Nuffield Australia Scholarship and an agtech start-up. With that business sold, he is looking at how satellite imagery and other technology can help on the family farm

  • Sensor helps untangle sorghum’s complicated water use interactions
    Northern, 22 May 2022
    Sensor helps untangle sorghum’s complicated water use interactions

    Although sowing sorghum in winter helps avoid stress at sensitive crop stages, little is known about root growth and function in cold soils, or how genotype and management combinations affect root growth and water use. A sensor is helping to fill in those gaps

  • Turning necessity into opportunity with summer chickpeas
    Northern, 18 May 2022
    Turning necessity into opportunity with summer chickpeas

    Converting a cover crop into a cash crop was an opportunity too good to miss for Drew Penberthy and fellow growers in the Narrabri region of NSW. Wet harvests are a recurring challenge in the northern region and can lead to severe wheel track damage that needs to be repaired and then covered.

  • On-time summer weed control crucial to effective fallow management
    Northern, 22 Mar 2022
    On-time summer weed control crucial to effective fallow management

    With a wet year and high chemical prices, experience shows the importance of getting on top of summer weeds early. West Wyalong, NSW, grower Brent Morton says that summer weed control is crucial in cost-efficient and effective fallow management.

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