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Khapra beetle is a high-priority exotic pest for Australia’s grains industry, known for hitchhiking in sea containers, packaging and stored food.
Photo: supplied by Plant Health Australia

Early detection is always key to preventing exotic pest outbreaks

Despite Australia’s stringent pre-border and border controls, exotic pests still pose a threat. Early detection of an incursion becomes the crucial factor in preventing outbreaks that could disrupt the grains industry and other agricultural sectors.

What is an exotic pest?

An exotic pest is one not yet present in Australia. If they were to gain a foothold in Australia, the ramifications could be extensive: costly trade and quarantine implications, disrupted crop rotations and increased pest management costs.

Even with defence measures such as irradiation, fumigation and testing in place, pests can enter Australia through a variety of channels, including international passengers, mail, shipping containers, and even natural pathways such as wind and water currents.

For a list of high-priority exotic plant pests, visit the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s website or Farm Biosecurity’s grains pests page.

What action should be taken?

Regular monitoring is the first line of defence:

  • Focus on high-risk areas such as property borders and roadsides.
  • Keep a close eye on crops during storage and during inspections of equipment, containers and packages from overseas.

If you spot anything unusual, immediately report it to the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline at 1800 084 881. Early action can prevent  a small problem from becoming an  industry-wide issue.

It is a legal requirement to report suspected exotic pests.

Is the grains industry prepared?

The Emergency Plant Pest Response  Deed ensures a structured approach to decision-making and financial arrangements in the event of an incursion.

The industry also has a new Biosecurity Plan for the Grains Industry and a committee to provide growers with key strategies to protect crops from exotic threats.

More information: Grains Farm Biosecurity,
See GroundCoverTM story, Integrated approach to pests on-farm

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