Pests, 26 May 2023
Northern sites provide early warning on evolving resistance
Data from trapping fall armyworm and Helicoverpa armigera pests in Queensland’s high-risk zones is helping researchers see whether insecticide resistance is developing
Pests, 23 May 2023
Understanding chemical impact on beneficial insects in grain paddocks
Insecticides are a valuable tool for Australian grain growers to effectively manage pests in grain production.
Pests, 22 May 2023
Mice control in the era of no-till
Trials have investigated the potential of mechanical stubble management options to control mice numbers
Pests, 24 Apr 2023
Neonicotinoid resistance in green peach aphids: a setback for seed treatments
New research from Cesar Australia investigating the implications of neonicotinoid resistance in the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) could change how and when these chemical treatments are best used in broadacre crops. The green peach aphid is a species of particular concern to the grains industry, as it acts as the main vector of a number of economically damaging plant diseases, such as turnip yellows virus (formerly known as beet western yellows virus) in canola and pulse crops.
Pests, 12 Apr 2023
Double-break crop sequences prove a winner for weed and disease control
Farming systems trials have confirmed the value of double-break crop sequences for cost-effective weed and disease management
Pests, 11 Apr 2023
Growers urged to be on the look-out for mice
Likely outbreaks of mice in Australian grain growing regions in 2023 mean that each bait grain needs to carry a lethal dose of zinc phosphide in order to ensure effective control, leading mouse researcher Steve Henry says. Mr Henry says conservation tillage systems are creating an environment that is favourable for mice.
Pests, 07 Apr 2023
Authority warns of growing insecticide resistance risk
With resistance to commonly used insecticides on the rise, an insect pest specialist says the adoption of a suite of management practices to prolong the life of available insecticides is critical
Pests, 06 Apr 2023
Growers urged to check paddocks among reports of widespread mouse infestations
Grain growers are being urged to check their paddocks for signs of mouse activity as reports of infestations emerge, with last season’s wet, late harvest leaving lots of grain on the ground in many areas.
Pests, 04 Apr 2023
Pests in the spotlight as cropping gets underway
Crop protection research scientists have issued advice for Western Australian grain growers on key invertebrate pests to monitor as 2023’s winter cropping season takes shape.
Pests, 26 Mar 2023
Green bridge brings high aphid and virus risk
The wet conditions over summer in 2021-22 and the resulting growth of weeds created a high risk for pests that could affect establishing crops in autumn. Aphids thrive in these conditions as they survive over summer by taking refuge in small, isolated pockets of habitat (such as the green bridge). In addition to damage caused by direct feeding, these pests present the additional risk of virus transmission.