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149 results found
  • Green bridge brings high aphid and virus risk
    Pests, 26 Mar 2023
    Green bridge brings high aphid and virus risk

    The wet conditions over summer in 2021-22 and the resulting growth of weeds created a high risk for pests that could affect establishing crops in autumn. Aphids thrive in these conditions as they survive over summer by taking refuge in small, isolated pockets of habitat (such as the green bridge). In addition to damage caused by direct feeding, these pests present the additional risk of virus transmission.

  • Predicting pesticide usage and risk of resistance in Australian agriculture
    Pests, 22 Mar 2023
    Predicting pesticide usage and risk of resistance in Australian agriculture

    Novel approaches for estimating pesticide selection on agricultural pests are generating new insights into potential risks of resistance evolution. Yet understanding the selection pressure on pests in Australian agriculture is challenging because there is limited information on pesticide usage.

  • Experts urge mouse vigilance heading into seeding
    Pests, 17 Mar 2023
    Experts urge mouse vigilance heading into seeding

    Western Australian grain growers are encouraged to be vigilant in monitoring mouse numbers in the lead up to seeding as growing regions across the state face continued pressure from the pests.

  • Is native budworm targeting wheat crops?
    Pests, 08 Mar 2023
    Is native budworm targeting wheat crops?

    Western Australian growers are being encouraged to monitor wheat crops in areas with high native budworm activity, with reports of the pest in very high numbers in the Geraldton port zone in recent seasons.

  • Persistent researchers work towards biological control of conical snails
    Pests, 09 Feb 2023
    Persistent researchers work towards biological control of conical snails

    A project managed by CSIRO has renewed attempts at establishing parasitic flies in parts of South Australia, aiming to suppress conical (or pointed) snail populations. Two additional new projects are under way to enhance the fly’s establishment in SA and introduce it into Western Australia.

  • Good neighbour approach applied to mouse management
    Pests, 23 Jan 2023
    Good neighbour approach applied to mouse management

    Mice know no boundaries so with limited baiting services and a huge region to service, industry goodwill came to the fore in 2022 across WA. Now heading into 2023, off the back of two good seasons growers are encouraged to reduce food sources over summer and monitor mouse numbers.

  • Wet conditions make vigilance the key for slugs
    Pests, 19 Dec 2022
    Wet conditions make vigilance the key for slugs

    Economics should be one of the factors that drives decisions about baiting and other control methods for slugs and snails. In late winter and early spring 2022, invertebrate ecologist Dr Michael Nash toured key grain growing regions on behalf of GRDC to discuss with growers the local conditions and factors that influence their decision on whether or not to bait in their crops.

  • Multifaceted approach to combat snails in grain crops
    Pests, 25 Nov 2022
    Multifaceted approach to combat snails in grain crops

    A new $4.6 million national research project is set to provide Australian grain growers with new tools and management techniques to combat snails, aiming to minimise losses and improve market opportunities for affected crops.

  • Growers urged to reduce available food for mice this harvest
    Pests, 01 Nov 2022
    Growers urged to reduce available food for mice this harvest

    Western Australia grain growers in areas where mouse numbers are at moderate levels are advised to prioritise minimising grain on the ground after harvest to help reduce the potential for an outbreak ahead of sowing in 2023.

  • Samples sought to understand Rutherglen bug dynamics
    Pests, 10 Oct 2022
    Samples sought to understand Rutherglen bug dynamics

    Rutherglen bug is a migratory native species that causes occasional but significant damage to the grains industry. Impacted grain crops include sunflower, sorghum, canola, and safflower. In years of significant RGB populations, pulses and cereals may also be affected.

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