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National resistance monitoring to direct pest control
Supplement: Invertebrate pest management: new frontiers November-December 2020 - 21 10 2020A unique national resistance monitoring program is set to deliver regular snapshots of insecticide resistance levels across Australia to help inform growers’ pest management plans and keep markets secure.
Snail trail entrapment
Supplement: Invertebrate pest management: new frontiers November-December 2020 - 20 10 2020An innovative investigation is underway to decipher mucus of the round snail to see if there are compounds within it that can be used to control the pest. The study is combining improved understanding of the snail’s ecology together with chemical analysis.
Native plants a novel ally
Supplement: Invertebrate pest management: new frontiers November-December 2020 - 19 10 2020A grain protectant, inspired by an insecticidal molecule found in Australian native flora, is soon to become part of the integrated pest management toolbox. Its low toxicity and new mode of action may provide growers with increased flexibility and profitability from being better able to optimise grain sales.
Personal values underpin pest management decisions
Supplement: Invertebrate pest management: new frontiers November-December 2020 - 18 10 2020Management decisions, innovative, targeted decision support aids and activities are being designed and delivered to enhance growers’ adoption of integrated pest management.
Dismantling barriers to change
Supplement: Invertebrate pest management: new frontiers November-December 2020 - 17 10 2020An industry stocktake has determined that lack of knowledge and growers’ attitudes to risk might be impeding their involvement in pest management decisions and their adoption of new and novel integrated pest management approaches. Provision of pest knowledge and grower and adviser support, together with sustained RD&E, is critical to drive this change.
Mite resistance mapping sets up management
Supplement: Invertebrate pest management: new frontiers November-December 2020 - 16 10 2020The rate of resistance evolution in redlegged earth mite has led to extensive efforts to map its resistance to several insecticides across Australia. This will provide baseline information for improved management practices.
Cotton bollworm resistance management
Supplement: Invertebrate pest management: new frontiers November-December 2020 - 15 10 2020Cotton bollworm is a major pest of many grain crops and, together with its ability to develop resistance to an increasing number of insecticides, is a challenge to control. An innovative surveillance program combined with deployment of resistance management practices is beginning to make inroads to controlling the pest in Australia’s eastern states.
New approaches to invertebrate pest management
Supplement: Invertebrate pest management: new frontiers November-December 2020 - 12 10 2020With growing levels of insects resistant to pesticides, researchers are thinking more laterally for management methods. Along with developing a way to estimate pesticide selection pressure, bacteria residing in the guts of insects may form part of a novel approach to managing these grain pests.
Technology and mindset changes to drive new pest management era
Supplement: Invertebrate pest management: new frontiers November-December 2020 - 11 10 2020New research frontiers are being charted to add novel tools to IPM toolkits for invertebrate pest management. This will help combat increasing insecticide resistance and meet tightening pesticide regulatory requirements.