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issue 156, january february 2022

This page shows the articles in issue 156, january february 2022 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.

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38 results found:
  • Cropping’s quiet achiever establishes a foothold
    Cropping’s quiet achiever establishes a foothold
    Issue 156, January-February 2022 - 18 Feb 2022

    In the past 30 years vetch has become an established part of Australia’s cropping landscape. It is one of those crops every Australian farmer has heard of but would not always recognise. A specialist vetch breeder and agronomist, Stuart Nagel of SARDI believes vetch is, in many ways, the quiet achiever of the cropping world – a versatile annual legume that has several potential purposes or markets.

  • Agtech start-up a helping hand for growers
    Agtech start-up a helping hand for growers
    Issue 156, January-February 2022 - 17 Feb 2022

    A new agtech company, DataFarming, helps Australian farmers become more tech-savvy and digitally equipped. Their philosophy is to keep agtech simple, effective, low cost and easy to use, leading to widespread adoption.

  • Capital fund at the forefront of industry advancement
    Capital fund at the forefront of industry advancement
    Issue 156, January-February 2022 - 16 Feb 2022

    How does GRDC’s part-owned venture capital fund GrainInnovate work, and are growers getting value for their investment?

  • 3D mapping profiles soil-based constraints
    3D mapping profiles soil-based constraints
    Issue 156, January-February 2022 - 13 Feb 2022

    The link between crop performance and soil-based constraints is emerging from a new 3D mapping strategy that aims to guide and prioritise on-farm soil amelioration works.

  • Challenges to chickpea expansion tackled
    Challenges to chickpea expansion tackled
    Issue 156, January-February 2022 - 10 Feb 2022

    An ambitious team effort is underway to expand chickpea production in Australia to embrace more non-traditional areas such as southern Australia and Western Australia

  • Weed busting with serradella pasture
    Weed busting with serradella pasture
    Issue 156, January-February 2022 - 09 Feb 2022

    Weed management benefits from a serradella pasture phase have been systematically characterised in multi-year field trials

  • Scrutiny welcomed to hyper-drive yield
    Scrutiny welcomed to hyper-drive yield
    Issue 156, January-February 2022 - 08 Feb 2022

    Craig and Fiona Marshall have embraced agronomic, business and soil carbon benchmarking in a bid to lift grain yield and profit

  • Agronomy eyed in bid for yield lift
    Agronomy eyed in bid for yield lift
    Issue 156, January-February 2022 - 07 Feb 2022

    Fiona and Craig Marshall welcome scrutiny to fine-tune their agronomy

  • On-farm tool blends sensor technologies
    On-farm tool blends sensor technologies
    Issue 156, January-February 2022 - 02 Feb 2022

    Scientists are developing new on-farm systems combining sensor technologies that enable growers to determine both the market class and quality grade of pulses and cereals defined by Grain Trade Australia standards.

  • On-farm amelioration concept shifts into top gear
    On-farm amelioration concept shifts into top gear
    Issue 156, January-February 2022 - 01 Feb 2022

    South Australian grower Rob Pocock plans to use a new 'plough and sow' machine as part of a holistic program that aims to lift soil performance on his family's mixed farm at Lameroo.

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