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issue 149, november december 2020

This page shows the articles in issue 149, november december 2020 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.

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42 results found:
  • Comparing lime sources
    Comparing lime sources
    Issue 149, November-December 2020 - 10 Oct 2020

    From a return on investment (ROI) point of view, the ‘best’ lime is the cheapest one that achieves a given increase in soil pH. It is important to work out the best lime for your situation by considering lime effectiveness and costs (product, transport and application), because they vary considerably.

  • Uptake by breeders of weed-competitive wheat lines
    Uptake by breeders of weed-competitive wheat lines
    Issue 149, November-December 2020 - 09 Oct 2020

    A revamp of wheat’s early growth characteristics has enhanced its ability to outcompete weeds, with the new trait attracting the interest of commercial breeders

  • Herbicide tolerant soybeans released
    Herbicide tolerant soybeans released
    Issue 149, November-December 2020 - 08 Oct 2020

    Three new herbicide-tolerant soybean varieties have been launched that widen the crops’ growing range.

  • Master list released: what is next for wheat classification?
    Master list released: what is next for wheat classification?
    Issue 149, November-December 2020 - 07 Oct 2020

    The Wheat Quality Australia variety master list for 2020 has been released. Nine newly classified wheat varieties – four feed and five milling varieties – have been announced on the list.

  • Hygiene and monitoring essential for stored grain
    Hygiene and monitoring essential for stored grain
    Issue 149, November-December 2020 - 06 Oct 2020

    As more grain is stored on-farm, it is essential that it is managed correctly so that the quality does not deteriorate. Storing grain on-farm successfully requires understanding the best practice for storage hygiene and monitoring.

  • Search for canola climate genes heats up
    Search for canola climate genes heats up
    Issue 149, November-December 2020 - 05 Oct 2020

    A GRDC research project is underway to identify canola germplasm that possess heat tolerance, including associated traits, with field trials planted in New South Wales and Western Australia in 2020. The international canola gene pool will contribute to the search for germplasm to help Australian growers stay ahead of increased heat stress on crops.

  • Integration roadmap for Top End grain
    Integration roadmap for Top End grain
    Issue 149, November-December 2020 - 04 Oct 2020

    Northern Australia has long been touted for its agriculture potential. A situational analysis on broadacre cropping agrees, finding that this potential is best realised if integrated with other enterprises.

  • Increase in PAW dramatically increases yields
    Increase in PAW dramatically increases yields
    Issue 149, November-December 2020 - 03 Oct 2020

    Cover cropping can dramatically increase the following crop’s yield, support plant-available water (PAW) and increase net PAW accumulation

  • Breeding with an eye on genes for paddocks
    Breeding with an eye on genes for paddocks
    Issue 149, November-December 2020 - 02 Oct 2020

    Narrowing the gap between realised and potential yield is the aim of a new breeding method that predicts the best gene combinations needed to handle real-life conditions and variability in the paddock

  • Turning water into grain – lesson from Texas
    Turning water into grain – lesson from Texas
    Issue 149, November-December 2020 - 01 Oct 2020

    Central Queensland growers Luke and Sophie Bradley are used to “turning over” some grain, despite the dry conditions.

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