Soil and Nutrition, 27 Mar 2024
Soil survey aims to help growers make informed decisions
The federal Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry wants to target its investment to help farmers make well-informed soil management decisions. To this end, it is supporting regional soil coordinators to undertake a national survey to collect information on the soil issues and topics that farmers feel sufficiently well-informed about and those issues where greater support is needed.
Soil and Nutrition, 22 Mar 2024
Could manure be the magic ingredient to improve yields?
Long-term farming systems research shows that growing one crop a year with high levels of nutrients produces the highest returns.
Soil and Nutrition, 18 Jan 2024
Opportunities abound in a growing industry
The latest estimates from the Australian Council of Deans of Agriculture, based on job ad numbers, are that more than six vacancies exist for every graduate of a university agriculture course. The Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia was created to promote and develop credible, objective teaching material for primary and secondary students.
Soil and Nutrition, 17 Jan 2024
Shedding new light on soil organic carbon in Australian grain systems
Detailed diagnoses of soil organic carbon in grain-producing systems are being explored using state-of-the-art facilities through a collaborative network. The University of Queensland team harnessed the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Synchrotron facility in Victoria to examine (1) changes in carbon forms and their microscale distribution in bulk soils; and (2) their carbon fractions, as related to climate conditions, soil types, land use and management practices.
Soil and Nutrition, 18 Dec 2023
Where exactly does phosphorus fertiliser go?
New research aims to track phosphorus fertiliser in vertosol soils, helping to quantify just how much is used.
Soil and Nutrition, 13 Nov 2023
Fertile ground
Nitrogen use efficiency research has shown there is a high degree of inbuilt fertility in irrigated soils.
Soil and Nutrition, 07 Nov 2023
Heavy stubble loads demand grower flexibility
In most cases, what growers do to manage retained standing stubble largely depends on their seeding system, but it also can be influenced by crop rotations, weeds, diseases, pests, stubble load, harvest machinery and how much ground cover is desirable. After three consecutive La Nina years contributed to three big winter crops, many growers have found heavy stubble loads increasingly challenging at sowing.
Soil and Nutrition, 20 Oct 2023
New ebook embraces latest science for plant nutrition
Explore Plant Nutrition with Free Ebook: Soil Quality Series Unveils '10 Plant Nutrition' Guide. Discover the latest evidence-based research and practical insights for managing plant nutrition in a user-friendly digital format.
Soil and Nutrition, 16 Oct 2023
Growers join trials to re-engineer soils and close the yield gap
Experimental soil treatments offer options for northern region growers wanting to overcome the constraints of dispersive soils to retain moisture and close the yield gap for their crops. More than 20 growers across Queensland and New South Wales have joined on-farm trials to supplement core experimental sites investigating how to improve soil structure and lift crop yields in the northern region.
Soil and Nutrition, 12 Oct 2023
Which crop types perform best in high strength soils?
A new Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) investment will explore the capabilities of different crops and varieties to overcome high strength soils, examining which crops could be introduced into farming system rotations as an alternative management option to amelioration.