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GRDC Websites

297 results found
  • Stripper-disc systems in the high-rainfall zones
    Soil and Nutrition, 12 May 2023
    Stripper-disc systems in the high-rainfall zones

    High stubble loads in the high-rainfall zones have proven challenging for the adoption of stripper-disc systems

  • Computer model helps clarify taller stubble impacts
    Soil and Nutrition, 11 May 2023
    Computer model helps clarify taller stubble impacts

    Computer simulations are being run to extrapolate likely impacts on a farming system’s soil–water balance arising from taller stubble produced by stripper headers

  • Stubble height trials
    Soil and Nutrition, 10 May 2023
    Stubble height trials

    Growers have participated in trials to better understand the impacts of taller stubble on soil–water dynamics

  • What we know and what we need to learn about stubble retention
    Soil and Nutrition, 09 May 2023
    What we know and what we need to learn about stubble retention

    Information relating to stubble management has been collected and curated to identify knowledge gaps to more fully realise the benefits of stubble retention while avoiding potential downsides

  • Can you bank nitrogen in Western Australian soils?
    Soil and Nutrition, 05 May 2023
    Can you bank nitrogen in Western Australian soils?

    Working with 20 growers from GRDC’s National Grower Network, Dr Darren Hughes from Laconik has been investigating the nitrogen banking capacity of Western Australian soils following frosted crops. Unfortunately, it is not a source of nitrogen to be relied upon.

  • Mungbeans not picky on nitrogen source but take more than they ‘fix’
    Soil and Nutrition, 28 Apr 2023
    Mungbeans not picky on nitrogen source but take more than they ‘fix’

    Central Queensland research is finding mungbeans use a combination of both soil nitrates and fixed nitrogen to meet their needs and are a net soil nitrate consumer

  • Conference fosters nitrogen fixation knowledge
    Soil and Nutrition, 17 Apr 2023
    Conference fosters nitrogen fixation knowledge

    Specialists with a fascination for tiny nitrogen-fixing bacteria met at an Australian conference late 2022 to discuss their latest science findings and how the bacteria are being harnessed and applied for farming systems’ benefit.

  • GRDC releases new ‘bible’ to help grain growers get soil management right
    Soil and Nutrition, 14 Apr 2023
    GRDC releases new ‘bible’ to help grain growers get soil management right

    Not getting soil management right could be costing some Queensland and New South Wales grain growers more than $1000 per hectare per year in yield losses according to new research.

  • $3.5M national project to examine ways to boost soil organic matter
    Soil and Nutrition, 11 Apr 2023
    $3.5M national project to examine ways to boost soil organic matter

    An innovative new $3.5 million farming system project is underway to investigate how Australian grain growers could increase the level of their soil organic matter and return carbon to the soil.

  • Soil testing a good idea after relentless wet
    Soil and Nutrition, 08 Mar 2023
    Soil testing a good idea after relentless wet

    With potentially high nutrient losses across the flood-affected GRDC northern region, plus a couple of years of above-average nitrogen removal by crops, soil testing is a good option to help assess soil nitrogen levels ahead of the coming winter crop

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