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GRDC Websites

27 results found
  • Keeping crops a head above water
    Climate, 17 Oct 2022
    Keeping crops a head above water

    With wet conditions saturating large areas of crop production land across Victoria and Tasmania, a GRDC project is identifying ways to maximise crop performance when waterlogging occurs.

  • Prepare to minimise fire risk this harvest
    Climate, 11 Oct 2022
    Prepare to minimise fire risk this harvest

    Harvester fires can damage equipment, destroy crops and infrastructure and endanger life.

  • Soil carbon farming a poor fit for the grains industry
    Climate, 04 Jun 2022
    Soil carbon farming a poor fit for the grains industry

    Healthy soils prove more valuable for the productivity boost they provide compared to farming soil carbon to trade as offsets for greenhouse gas emissions

  • Australian grain a good fit in a low-carbon future
    Climate, 01 Jun 2022
    Australian grain a good fit in a low-carbon future

    Many efforts to assess greenhouse gas emissions from grain production have failed to target the whole sector or to account for Australian condition and practices. This has been corrected with the release of a GRDC-commissioned report by CSIRO

  • New green fertiliser sources
    Climate, 29 May 2022
    New green fertiliser sources

    Alternative methods to produce fertiliser products are under development in Australia and stand to deliver benefits both in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fixing disruptions to global supply chains

  • Putting a value on paddock drainage
    Climate, 04 Jul 2021
    Putting a value on paddock drainage

    GRDC has initiated new sub-surface drainage investments in WA to help growers manage the effects of waterlogging.

  • Forecasts fortified for decision-making confidence
    Climate, 18 Jun 2021
    Forecasts fortified for decision-making confidence

    Comparative report cards for international climate models will provide agriculturally relevant comparisons of their effectiveness to forecast for agricultural metrics. And new Bureau of Meteorology products are being test-driven by growers to help make more-informed climate-related decisions.

  • Whole-of-agriculture approach to new climate forecasting
    Climate, 03 Apr 2021
    Whole-of-agriculture approach to new climate forecasting

    Australian rural industries are collaborating with the Bureau of Meteorology to develop five new forecast products for extreme climate events. Through participatory research, rural industry reference groups are working with climate scientists to design user-friendly tools to aid longer-term climate forecasts.

  • New tool aligns climate models with on-farm decision making
    Climate, 27 Mar 2021
    New tool aligns climate models with on-farm decision making

    The AgScore project puts different seasonal climate systems under the microscope to better understand which models might offer skilful forecasts up to six months into the future. The project asks ‘How good is the forecast?’ not just in terms of rainfall, but the potential to use the model data to forecast yield and other productivity metrics related to on-farm decision making.

  • Some practices may need tweaking to maintain sorghum production
    Climate, 08 Mar 2021
    Some practices may need tweaking to maintain sorghum production

    Climate change is reducing sorghum’s yield potential, but there is still room to reduce the yield gap through adapted agronomic practices that counteract this decline

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