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issue 164, may june 2023

This page shows the articles in issue 164, may june 2023 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.

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34 results found:
  • APVMA releases minor use permits for fungus, weeds
    APVMA releases minor use permits for fungus, weeds
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 21 Apr 2023

    The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority has issued a number of minor use permits of relevance to grain growers. Minor use permits are issued by the APVMA to legalise the use of a crop protection product in situations where there is insufficient market size or economic return to attract product registrations.

  • Researchers issue warning on high disease pressure
    Researchers issue warning on high disease pressure
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 20 Apr 2023

    After a wet spring, researchers across Australia have warned that severe disease pressure will require proactive management to minimise damage to this year’s grain crops. Having a good integrated disease management strategy will be critical in reducing grain yield losses.

  • Making sense of varietal responses to new rust pathotypes
    Making sense of varietal responses to new rust pathotypes
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 19 Apr 2023

    Knowing the presence of resistance genes in a variety is important in predicting and explaining how a variety will perform if and when a new rust pathotype appears. This is well illustrated by the events that unfolded following the introduction of wheat stripe rust pathotype 198, which originated from either Europe or South America.

  • Reducing market concentration risk for Australian malting barley
    Reducing market concentration risk for Australian malting barley
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 18 Apr 2023

    In recent years, the Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre has communicated the benefits of Australian malting barley to a wide range of current and potential overseas markets in Asia and beyond. The program aims to lessen the concentration risk for Australian barley by stimulating demand in new markets.

  • Conference fosters nitrogen fixation knowledge
    Conference fosters nitrogen fixation knowledge
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 17 Apr 2023

    Specialists with a fascination for tiny nitrogen-fixing bacteria met at an Australian conference late 2022 to discuss their latest science findings and how the bacteria are being harnessed and applied for farming systems’ benefit.

  • Survey prompts fresh call to use multiple weed management tactics
    Survey prompts fresh call to use multiple weed management tactics
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 14 Apr 2023

    Annual ryegrass populations across Australia have developed resistance to a wider range of herbicides, sparking fresh calls for growers to use a wider range of weed management tactics

  • Smart thinking needed to mop up annual ryegrass blowouts
    Smart thinking needed to mop up annual ryegrass blowouts
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 13 Apr 2023

    A weeds management specialist says focused attention on a diverse array of weeds management tactics over multiple years is critical for reducing the annual ryegrass population in crops

  • Double-break crop sequences prove a winner for weed and disease control
    Double-break crop sequences prove a winner for weed and disease control
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 12 Apr 2023

    Farming systems trials have confirmed the value of double-break crop sequences for cost-effective weed and disease management

  • Growers urged to be on the look-out for mice
    Growers urged to be on the look-out for mice
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 11 Apr 2023

    Likely outbreaks of mice in Australian grain growing regions in 2023 mean that each bait grain needs to carry a lethal dose of zinc phosphide in order to ensure effective control, leading mouse researcher Steve Henry says. Mr Henry says conservation tillage systems are creating an environment that is favourable for mice.

  • Learning important lessons from 2022’s Big Wet
    Learning important lessons from 2022’s Big Wet
    Issue 164, May-June 2023 - 10 Apr 2023

    Many growers were unprepared for the onslaught of 2022, which was one of the wettest cropping seasons on record for much of eastern Australia. Even those in high-rainfall zones who are accustomed to dealing with saturated soils and waterlogged crops were caught out by the intensity, extent and duration of flooding.

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