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issue 148, september october 2020

This page shows the articles in issue 148, september october 2020 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.

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37 results found:
  • Long investigation lifts the lid on illegal interstate trade of lupin
    Long investigation lifts the lid on illegal interstate trade of lupin
    Issue 148, September-October 2020 - 19 Aug 2020

    The extended drought in the eastern states of Australia resulted in shortages of quality stock feed in many regional areas, particularly entering the summer of 2018 and early 2019. Graziers and grain merchants in NSW were often prepared to go to great lengths in an attempt to source high-protein feed to meet the short fall, including importing lupin grain from interstate.

  • Simple but intensive model lifts farm production
    Simple but intensive model lifts farm production
    Issue 148, September-October 2020 - 18 Aug 2020

    A new ethos emphasising simplification and intensification has led to major change in the Seears family’s mixed-farming operation at Lucindale, South Australia.

  • Plant gene discovery could boost phosphorus access and uptake
    Plant gene discovery could boost phosphorus access and uptake
    Issue 148, September-October 2020 - 17 Aug 2020

    Environmental benefits and an efficiency boost for agriculture are just two advantages touted by researchers from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark after they discovered an important plant gene that could help plants work better with the fungi at their roots to absorb phosphorus.

  • Fair versus equal: the farm succession juggle
    Fair versus equal: the farm succession juggle
    Issue 148, September-October 2020 - 16 Aug 2020

    Farm management experts say succession planning should be taken seriously to avoid problems in the future.

  • Nationwide survey provides insights on grain growers’ biosecurity attitudes
    Nationwide survey provides insights on grain growers’ biosecurity attitudes
    Issue 148, September-October 2020 - 15 Aug 2020

    More Australian producers than ever before have implemented biosecurity practices to protect their properties from diseases, pests and weeds.

  • ‘Greenness’ indicates tolerance in wheat varieties
    ‘Greenness’ indicates tolerance in wheat varieties
    Issue 148, September-October 2020 - 14 Aug 2020

    Tools that measure a crop’s ‘greenness’ could help breeding programs to select wheat varieties tolerant to the root lesion nematode, Pratylenchus thornei. Researchers from the University of Southern Queensland have been testing a Greenseeker® to measure the normalised difference vegetation index of wheat varieties that range in tolerance to P. thornei.

  • Frost should not drive input decisions, researchers say
    Frost should not drive input decisions, researchers say
    Issue 148, September-October 2020 - 13 Aug 2020

    Results from trials across southern and Western Australia have reassured growers that farm input decisions have little impact on the susceptibility of wheat crops to reproductive frost.

  • Grain-and-graze canola proves a ‘game changer’
    Grain-and-graze canola proves a ‘game changer’
    Issue 148, September-October 2020 - 12 Aug 2020

    Mixed farmer Pat O’Connor and his family have switched 20 per cent of their canola program at Harden, NSW, to the dual-purpose variety Hyola® 970CL.

  • Manipulating flowering could reduce wheat yield gap
    Manipulating flowering could reduce wheat yield gap
    Issue 148, September-October 2020 - 11 Aug 2020

    A one-year feasibility study has explored alternative options that growers could use to manage their crop’s development – especially flowering time – in order to maximise yields. The research has been one focus of the strategic partnership between GRDC and the South Australian Research and Development Institute.

  • Long-term partnership elevates teamwork to accelerate change
    Long-term partnership elevates teamwork to accelerate change
    Issue 148, September-October 2020 - 10 Aug 2020

    Three decades of teamwork between innovative grower members of the Harden Murrumburrah Landcare Group, CSIRO scientists and the O’Connor family highlight the value of putting the collective clout of many minds together to solve on-farm challenges.

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