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42 results found
  • When to open sealed silos
    Grain Storage, 06 Feb 2022
    When to open sealed silos

    Sealing a silo for long periods increases risks of grain degradation and silo damage. Silo seals are only designed to keep fumigant in the silo during fumigation. So, what should be done with gas-tight sealable silos when they are not under fumigation?

  • Phosphine curbs cowpea weevils in stored pulses
    Grain Storage, 05 Feb 2022
    Phosphine curbs cowpea weevils in stored pulses

    While much is known about controlling stored insect pests in cereals, pests of pulses – such as the cowpea weevil or bruchids – have had little research to date. A new study is shedding light on the efficacy of phosphine control of these pests in mungbeans and chickpeas.

  • How good are stored grain protectants?
    Grain Storage, 04 Feb 2022
    How good are stored grain protectants?

    Resistance monitoring of key insect pests has reaffirmed the value of using combined grain protectant treatments to overcome multiple resistances. Individual treatments are still effective in managing some species.

  • Sulfuryl fluoride can break phosphine resistance
    Grain Storage, 03 Feb 2022
    Sulfuryl fluoride can break phosphine resistance

    Rotating phosphine fumigation with sulfuryl fluoride is a valuable way to reduce the potential for development of phosphine resistance in grain storage insect pests, despite the need to hire a licenced fumigator.

  • Probing phosphine resistance in rusty grain beetles
    Grain Storage, 31 Jan 2022
    Probing phosphine resistance in rusty grain beetles

    Resistance to phosphine fumigants in rusty grain beetle has increased substantially since the first resistant population was discovered in 2007. Resistant populations are now found across the full spectrum of the grain supply chain proving a real challenge for grain storage.

  • Today’s grain storage investments support tomorrow’s world
    Grain Storage, 30 Jan 2022
    Today’s grain storage investments support tomorrow’s world

    GRDC’s investment in ‘On-farm Grain Storage – Development’ has helped growers double the volume of on-farm grain storage in the past 10 years. These changes have provided improved opportunities for growers to pursue more profitable market opportunities and enhance harvest logistics.

  • Meet the dedicated team improving on-farm grain storage
    Grain Storage, 29 Jan 2022
    Meet the dedicated team improving on-farm grain storage

    Not every grower is able to buy new storage, but through GRDC’s ‘Grain Storage Extension Project’, every grower has access to information to help them select and effectively utilise the most appropriate storage options for their business.

  • Lentil storage and the colour of money
    Grain Storage, 28 Jan 2022
    Lentil storage and the colour of money

    New research will help growers maximise lentil marketability by quantifying the impact of storing grain at high temperatures or with a high moisture content. These conditions can affect quality traits such as seed coat colour (redness), germination efficiency and cooking quality.

  • Users must heed rising phosphine resistance
    Grain Storage, 27 Jan 2022
    Users must heed rising phosphine resistance

    Strong resistance to phosphine in stored grain insects has increased and spread over the last decade, with more detections in eastern Australia than Western Australia. The main cause is misuse of phosphine, particularly its use in unsealed storages.

  • Monitoring grain for quality and pest control
    Grain Storage, 24 Jan 2022
    Monitoring grain for quality and pest control

    Regular monthly storage checks for pests using an insect sieve and probe traps are critical to ensure pest damage to grain quality is minimised and grain is ready for sale when needed. Along with monitoring pests, grain temperature and humidity in storage are two of the most important factors for maintaining grain quality.

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