Soil and Nutrition, 14 Jan 2021
Cutting-edge technology to investigate root behaviour
The Australian Synchrotron has been enlisted to provide insights into plant root-soil relationships and better inform nutrient management decisions, particularly for constrained soils.
Soil and Nutrition, 13 Jan 2021
Deep-banding conundrum for deep-rooting traits
Deep-rooting traits may help crops to access water, but with nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium concentrated in either the top few centimetres or in deep bands of fertiliser, how will these rooting traits affect the crop’s ability to access essential nutrients?
Soil and Nutrition, 10 Jan 2021
Pulse nitrogen boost for acid soils
A suite of improved rhizobia strains that are better adapted to acidic soils are being evaluated for release. Performance of the strains has been shown to be regionally specific and awareness is being raised of management practices that may affect rhizobia nodulation and activity.
Soil and Nutrition, 22 Dec 2020
Boosting deep-phosphorus availability in vertosols
Deep-banded phosphorus provides a valuable supply of nutrition several years after application, but crop access is often limited by the supply of moisture in the band. Expanding the volume of fertilised soil may offer benefits, but success will depend on fertiliser–soil interactions in target soil types.
Soil and Nutrition, 19 Dec 2020
Big three nutrients under rigorous study
The combined effects of changing farming practices and climate are driving the need to update nutrient management strategies for crop production in Western Australia. Innovative technologies and new insights into nutrient cycling are set to inform these improved strategies.
Soil and Nutrition, 14 Dec 2020
Fertiliser band dynamics affect nutrient recovery
Increasing the rate of phosphorus fertiliser in deep banding can deliver agronomic benefits, but may also reduce the efficiency of nutrient recovery by crops. A University of Queensland study is investigating the impact of chemical changes in the band environment.
Soil and Nutrition, 10 Dec 2020
Probe into ironstone gravel soils
The nutrient dynamics of ironstone gravel soils of southern Australia are being unravelled with cutting-edge equipment to provide insights for better-informed management.
Soil and Nutrition, 07 Dec 2020
Fertiliser guides planned for ameliorated soils
As mechanical amelioration of constrained soils delivers improved growth potential new fertiliser guidelines are being devised for WA cropping systems to optimise plant performance.
Soil and Nutrition, 05 Dec 2020
Intensive testing key to fertiliser profitability
Paddock variability can have a substantial impact on soil nutrient status and yield potential. More intensive soil testing from each production zone in the paddock can help growers identify areas where modified rates of fertiliser may translate into higher profits.
Soil and Nutrition, 02 Dec 2020
Biofertiliser potential in native fungus
Close investigation of the interactions between a fungus native to Jarrah forests of Western Australia and jarrah plants has discovered a novel symbiotic fungus. Further research revealed the native fungus can increase growth and yield of grain crops and offers potential as a biofertiliser.