Weeds, 04 Nov 2021
Unified approach improves herbicide resistance data
Organisations across Australia tasked with surveying weeds for herbicide resistance have adopted the same protocols and methods for undertaking this critical work for the grains sector.
Weeds, 23 Oct 2021
Crop rotations a key to barley grass control
Gregor Wilkins has had success controlling barley grass using a combination of cultivation including a prickle chain and cultivar with sweeps, along with rotations and herbicides.
Weeds, 22 Oct 2021
Ryegrass management in the HRZ relies on a stacked approach
Annual ryegrass in the high-rainfall zone is as competitive and damaging as in lower-rainfall environments, with each ryegrass plant reducing cereal yield potential by about 0.3 per cent according to recent research.
Weeds, 22 Sep 2021
Competitive crops a crucial key in weed management
An investment has identified the importance of combining cultural weed management tactics with robust herbicide packages in driving down the weed seedbank.
Weeds, 05 Sep 2021
Eradication of red witchweed on track
Early detection, a comprehensive surveillance and eradication program, and willingness to experiment with new technologies means the red witchweed eradication program is on track to eradicate this invasive plant from the only known infestation in Australia, near Mackay in Queensland.
Weeds, 29 Jun 2021
Researchers refine tactics to slow feathertop Rhodes grass spread
Feathertop Rhodes grass seeds are 10 times lighter than annual ryegrass seeds, which explains why the weed has spread so quickly across Australia, prompting regional research and the development of locally relevant management packages
Weeds, 24 Jun 2021
Brome grass control takes persistence
Ideal growing conditions could lead to a large brome grass outbreak in Western Australia this season.
Weeds, 20 Jun 2021
Could collaboration be best weapon against weeds?
The Area Wide Weed Management project is investigating a different approach to traditional weed control.
Weeds, 12 Jun 2021
Events to present weed testing and survey results
Herbicide resistance workshops will be held in four locations from 22 June to 5 August.
Weeds, 03 Jun 2021
Act now to stop feathertop Rhodes grass establishment
Feathertop Rhodes grass germinates quickly after rainfall, prompting a call to take early and decisive action