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191 results found
  • Sclerotinia management in WA’s lupin crops
    Diseases, 27 Sep 2023
    Sclerotinia management in WA’s lupin crops

    The susceptibility of lupins and canola to sclerotinia stem rot has created the need to optimise disease control strategies when the crops are grown in close rotation in WA

  • First reports of wheat stripe rust for 2023 suggest widespread over-seasoning
    Diseases, 30 Aug 2023
    First reports of wheat stripe rust for 2023 suggest widespread over-seasoning

    The first detection of stripe rust on 7 July this year was about nine weeks later than in 2022; then, it was first detected on 20 May and one of the worst stripe rust epidemics experienced in eastern Australia ensued. Reports of stripe rust after the first detection this year have come from Bethungra, NSW (14 July); Tubbul, NSW (20 July); Smeaton, Victoria (20 July); Naracoorte, South Australia (24 July); and Cressy/Longford, Tasmania (26 July).

  • Past seasons point to potential cereal pathogen problems
    Diseases, 12 Jul 2023
    Past seasons point to potential cereal pathogen problems

    With inoculum levels high and conditions ripe, being prepared for Fusarium crown rot and head blight infections is important this season.

  • Disease resistance breakthrough for barley
    Diseases, 27 Jun 2023
    Disease resistance breakthrough for barley

    With no chemical methods available to control crown rot disease in barley, a project that identified novel sources of genetic resistance stands to deliver yield and income gains.

  • Milestones achieved in rust research
    Diseases, 15 Jun 2023
    Milestones achieved in rust research

    Researchers have steered a savvy course through wheat rust incursions and pathogen evolutions to deliver unprecedented insights and resources that bode well for the future of the wheat industry.

  • Sclerotinia transmission across a crop rotation
    Diseases, 19 May 2023
    Sclerotinia transmission across a crop rotation

    How Sclerotinia moves from canola stubble into the whole of a farm’s crop rotation is under investigation in the northern and southern growing regions with the aim of learning how to manage or possibly break the disease cycle

  • Staying ahead of canola blackleg
    Diseases, 18 May 2023
    Staying ahead of canola blackleg

    Blackleg disease is constantly changing with respect to the effectiveness of genetic resistance and disease epidemiology – as well as through changes in stubble management

  • Researchers issue warning on high disease pressure
    Diseases, 20 Apr 2023
    Researchers issue warning on high disease pressure

    After a wet spring, researchers across Australia have warned that severe disease pressure will require proactive management to minimise damage to this year’s grain crops. Having a good integrated disease management strategy will be critical in reducing grain yield losses.

  • Making sense of varietal responses to new rust pathotypes
    Diseases, 19 Apr 2023
    Making sense of varietal responses to new rust pathotypes

    Knowing the presence of resistance genes in a variety is important in predicting and explaining how a variety will perform if and when a new rust pathotype appears. This is well illustrated by the events that unfolded following the introduction of wheat stripe rust pathotype 198, which originated from either Europe or South America.

  • Wheat powdery mildew pathogen now resistant to two fungicide groups
    Diseases, 03 Apr 2023
    Wheat powdery mildew pathogen now resistant to two fungicide groups

    With wheat powdery mildew capable of reducing grain yields by up to 25 per cent in conducive seasons, a fungicide resistance expert calls for care to preserve the life of available pesticides

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