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GRDC Websites

191 results found
  • Tomorrow’s fungicides: gene switches and nanobots
    Diseases, 12 Feb 2024
    Tomorrow’s fungicides: gene switches and nanobots

    New tools and techniques are being added to the fungicide resistance management arsenal by Curtin University’s Centre for Crop and Disease Management for growers to keep ahead in the race.

  • ‘Next-gen’ monitoring improving fungicide resistance detection
    Diseases, 09 Feb 2024
    ‘Next-gen’ monitoring improving fungicide resistance detection

    Delivering in-season information for growers on fungicide resistance is key to agile fungicide resistance management. New technology being deployed by researchers from Curtin University’s Centre for Crop and Disease Management heralds further efficiencies in detecting fungicide resistance for Australian growers.

  • Knowledge is power when managing fungicide resistance in pulses
    Diseases, 08 Feb 2024
    Knowledge is power when managing fungicide resistance in pulses

    Knowledge is power when managing fungicide resistance in pulses. Pulse pathologist Sara Blake from South Australian Research and Development Institute and Dr Joshua Fanning from Agriculture Victoria discuss key issues pertaining to fungicide resistance management in these crop species.

  • Fungicide resistance in Queensland: be alert
    Diseases, 07 Feb 2024
    Fungicide resistance in Queensland: be alert

    The detection of fungicide resistance in Queensland highlights the need for growers and advisers to be vigilant and access appropriate advice if they suspect issues in crops. The Australian Fungicide Resistance Extension Network provides up-to-date information and access to regional pathologists

  • Fungicides available for Australian grain crops and their modes of action
    Diseases, 06 Feb 2024
    Fungicides available for Australian grain crops and their modes of action

    Fungicide resistance is a serious and increasing issue to be managed in Australian cropping systems. As these chemicals are an important part of an integrated disease management plan understanding their mode of action informs their appropriate use.

  • Fungicide resistance – a mounting problem in Australia
    Diseases, 05 Feb 2024
    Fungicide resistance – a mounting problem in Australia

    Fungicide resistance is a pervasive concern for grain growers across Australia, as increasingly more resistant pathogens are identified. Keeping up to date with the latest industry knowledge of the subject is key to managing resistant pathogens.

  • Knowledgeable growers - the frontline defence
    Diseases, 02 Feb 2024
    Knowledgeable growers - the frontline defence

    Into its second iteration, with GRDC investment, the Australian Fungicide Resistance Extension Network (AFREN) continues to support growers and advisers to be informed about the prevalence and management of fungicide resistance in their region

  • Curbing the rise of fungicide resistance
    Diseases, 01 Feb 2024
    Curbing the rise of fungicide resistance

    To curb an escalating storm of fungicide resistance in Australian cropping systems, GRDC supports the activities of the Australian Fungicide Resistance Extension network, headquartered at Curtin University. Since 2019 AFREN has brought together regional pathologists to support growers to mitigate fungicide resistance by providing testing services, integrated disease management guidelines and related research.

  • Reaping the benefits of monitoring cereal rust pathotypes
    Diseases, 09 Nov 2023
    Reaping the benefits of monitoring cereal rust pathotypes

    Efforts are made to monitor the pathotypes (strains, races) of cereal rust pathogens that occur in many of the world’s cereal growing regions. Growers can only reap the full benefit of this work if it underpins resistance pre-breeding, breeding and post-release management of cereal varieties.

  • Workshops get to the root of soil diseases
    Diseases, 13 Oct 2023
    Workshops get to the root of soil diseases

    A now-completed national extension program targeted the ability to diagnose soil-borne pathogens, with the resulting resources and manuals continuing to be available to growers and advisers

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