issue 145, march april 2020
This page shows the articles in issue 145, march april 2020 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.
GroundCover is also distributed every two months via mail. If you would like to subscribe to receive the hardcopy magazine, visit our subscription page.
High-value forms of Crown rot resistance identified
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 03 Feb 2020Crown rot resistance in commercial wheat varieties superseded by new pre-breeding lines.
WA's peak grains forum to hear the latest in crop disease detection
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 02 Feb 2020Growers told Plant Sniffer and BioScout could fast-track disease ID and response.
Vigilance in mouse monitoring is advised for some southern growers
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 31 Jan 2020SA and Victorian grain growers warned to watch for mice due to grain on the ground.
Do you need to incorporate lime to address subsoil acidity?
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 30 Jan 2020Fixing subsoil acidity with surface-applied lime is a slow process, as lime takes years to move into the soil. Incorporation with cultivation can fast-track results.
Consider soil water storage before sowing a grain sorghum crop
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 30 Jan 2020Northern region growers are contemplating late sowing options for sorghum.
Outsourced seed sizing proves worthwhile for Gregadoo continuous croppers
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 28 Jan 2020NSW growers Andrew and Karly Dumaresq use big canola seed to improve crop establishment.
Australian grain crops tipped to jump 5.5 million tonnes by 2030
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 27 Jan 2020Demand in key export markets expected to absorb extra Australian grains production.
Focus on protecting crops in the face of fungicide resistance
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 26 Jan 2020National Fungicide Resistance Workshop unites industry on dealing with crop diseases.
Dealing with the Dry forums: Could benchmarking help growers survive the next dry?
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 25 Jan 2020"While we all lose in a drought, some lose less."
Dryland farming and crop rotation in times of drought
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 24 Jan 2020For Victorian grower Ton van Dijk, drought has led to a rethink of his crop rotation.