A series of workshops designed to assist early career agronomists and growers in the grains sector make informed insect identification and management decisions will be run in Queensland in June and July.
An initiative of GRDC and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) in Queensland and New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) under the National Pest Information Network project, the practical workshops will offer the latest paddock-ready information and advice.
GRDC Crop Protection Manager – North, Vicki Green. Photo GRDC.
GRDC Crop Protection Manager – North, Vicki Green says workshop content will be targeted to early career advisers, but registration is also open to those looking for a refresher in insect identification and management.
“Pest insects are an ongoing challenge for the grains sector, so these workshops have been developed to ensure agronomists and growers have access to the latest research and development information,” Mrs Green says.
“Being informed and having a clear understanding of best practice management tactics has implications for effective control on-farm and at a broader industry level in terms of reducing issues such as insecticide resistance.”
The Toowoomba and Kingaroy-based DAF entomology team – Melina Miles, Hugh Brier, Tonia Grundy and Adam Quade - will run the workshops. While NSW DPI entomologist Zorica Duric will join the team for the Goondiwindi workshop.
The workshops will cover efficient and effective paddock sampling and insect development and identification. The workshops will include a hands-on identification session, and discussion of pests and their management will be guided by local issues.
“Importantly we will also look at thresholds and how to use them on-farm, as well as management of the key insects for specific crops,” Dr Miles says.
The one-day workshops will include a session on insects in stored grain, presented by Phillip Burrill (DAF).
“We will ask people as they register for the workshops to identify any key issues that they would like covered so we can ensure the content is well targeted and meeting industry needs,” Dr Miles says.
The insect identification and management workshops will run from 9am to about 3:30pm, with lunch provided. Dates and venues are:
- Dalby, Wednesday, June 16
- Toowoomba, Thursday, June 17
- Emerald, Wednesday, July 14
- Goondiwindi, Wednesday July 21
If there is sufficient interest a second workshop may be organised for Emerald on Thursday, July 15.
Places are limited so interested agronomists and growers need to register their interest by contacting Tonia Grundy at tonia.grundy@daf.qld.gov.au with their name, contact details, workshop they would like to attend, along with any specific issues they would like to see covered.