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issue 171 july august 2024

This page shows the articles in issue 171 july august 2024 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.

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42 results found:
  • Trials give insight into nematode options
    Trials give insight into nematode options
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 14 Aug 2024

    West Prairie grain producers Roger and Lisa Gwynne have hosted trials and field days for more than 40 years. Roger says his father Alex worked closely on nematode research over many years with Queensland Department of Primary Industries officer Nev Douglas and with Professor John Thompson. Roger says he has learned a lot from hosting the trials, including the importance of rotating out of wheat and choosing less- susceptible varieties.

  • Double-break crop advantage explored
    Double-break crop advantage explored
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 13 Aug 2024

    With support from GRDC’s National Grower Network, a team of grower groups led by West Midlands Group has determined that double break crop sequences, such as early sown chickpeas, can yield increased profit as compared to canola-wheat sequences.

  • Science pins elusive Dongara weevil
    Science pins elusive Dongara weevil
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 12 Aug 2024

    The Dongara weevil has been recently scientifically described and confirmed as a new species through morphological and molecular analysis. It poses a significant threat to canola crops causing substantial economic losses. Its elusive nature makes it difficult to manage, but GRDC supported research is learning more about its habits and distribution to inform management strategies.

  • Trials explore backup crop tactics after waterlogging
    Trials explore backup crop tactics after waterlogging
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 09 Aug 2024

    The agility of GRDC’s National Grower Network enables it to quickly respond to seasonal events like waterlogging to provide valuable datasets and insights for grower’s decision-making. Trials in southern WA highlighted the importance of using short-season varieties and the timing of sowing after waterlogging, with economic analysis suggesting that losses can be minimised by swiftly establishing a late sown crop.

  • What do you need to know about barley stripe rust?
    What do you need to know about barley stripe rust?
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 08 Aug 2024

    Barley stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp hordei) poses a significant threat to wheat and barley production globally. Although not present in Australia, our grains industry is going to great lengths to keep this damaging disease out. Barley stripe rust is a fungal disease and is known to reduce plant and root growth, increase water loss and cut, resulting in fewer and lighter kernels.

  • 10 years of discovery and impact celebrated
    10 years of discovery and impact celebrated
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 07 Aug 2024

    In April, Curtin University’s Centre for Crop and Disease Management celebrated its 10th anniversary. The celebration underscored the Centre’s role in promoting food security and agricultural sustainability, marking a milestone of excellence and impact in the field. Featured addresses from John Woods, chair GRDC and Professor Harlene Haines, Vice Chancellor of Curtin University, both praised the CCDM’s pioneering research in crop disease management and collaborative approach with industry partners.

  • Consider biosecurity at field events
    Consider biosecurity at field events
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 06 Aug 2024

    Field days, trial inspections and crop tours provide growers, agricultural professionals and extension workers with the opportunity to learn about new farming techniques, technologies and varieties. However, these events also pose potential biosecurity risks due to the movement of people, machinery, vehicles and other materials. To reduce risk, consider the following measures.

  • Testing for nematodes just as important as nutrients
    Testing for nematodes just as important as nutrients
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 05 Aug 2024

    While many growers diligently carry out soil tests to measure nutrient levels, the opportunity to test for nematodes and other pathogens, such as crown rot, is often overlooked. This complacency poses a major threat to crop productivity.

  • Biosecurity stands or falls on collaboration
    Biosecurity stands or falls on collaboration
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 02 Aug 2024

    International collaboration and cooperation play a crucial role in maintaining biosecurity. Presenters at the 2024 Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative (PBRI) symposium in Cairns emphasized the significance of whole-of-industry strategies to mitigate threats posed by weed, pest, and disease incursions in agriculture.

  • Amplifying the impact of amelioration
    Amplifying the impact of amelioration
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 01 Aug 2024

    With the benefits of soil amelioration generally understood, research is now showing how to maintain and build yield and soil health in the years that follow

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