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issue 169, march april 2024

This page shows the articles in issue 169, march april 2024 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.

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30 results found:
  • Gene technology comes into play on New Zealand pastures
    Gene technology comes into play on New Zealand pastures
    Issue 169, March-April 2024 - 11 Mar 2024

    AgResearch in New Zealand is developing pasture research programs using gene technology – including gene editing – that aim to increase productivity, improve animal health and deliver environmental benefits such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to the modified white clover bred and grown in contained conditions in New Zealand, three years of field trials have been completed in the US.

  • Helping noodle wheat meet Japanese expectations
    Helping noodle wheat meet Japanese expectations
    Issue 169, March-April 2024 - 08 Mar 2024

    The Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre is Australia’s market-facing agency for the Japanese noodle market, in collaboration with the Grain Industry Association of WA’s Wheat Council. For more than 10 years, AEGIC has been central to supporting this market through sensory assessment of new varieties, as well as providing technical support, crop reports and resources to address seasonal issues.

  • How well is fallow working to build profit across your farming system?
    How well is fallow working to build profit across your farming system?
    Issue 169, March-April 2024 - 06 Mar 2024

    Waiting until there is a threshold of soil water before sowing is critical for maximising water use efficiency

  • Dryland pasture systems innovation for mixed farms
    Dryland pasture systems innovation for mixed farms
    Issue 169, March-April 2024 - 04 Mar 2024

    A suite of projects that identified a new generation of legume pasture species that are better adapted to dryland mixed farming systems has returned substantial benefits on investment

  • Assessment of climate forecast reliability
    Assessment of climate forecast reliability
    Issue 169, March-April 2024 - 01 Mar 2024

    An assessment of the utility of seasonal climate forecasts to grain growers identified the need for improvement in overall forecast performance

  • Victorian growers explore Dutch farming challenges
    Victorian growers explore Dutch farming challenges
    Issue 169, March-April 2024 - 29 Feb 2024

    The Wallup Ag Group applied for a GRDC study tour sponsorship to learn from farmers and industry in the Netherlands

  • Contractors put weather damage worries on the back foot
    Contractors put weather damage worries on the back foot
    Issue 169, March-April 2024 - 28 Feb 2024

    Jarrod Amery outlines the challenges and opportunities facing his farm business south of Forbes in central New South Wales.

  • Scholar finds successful farmers share common traits
    Scholar finds successful farmers share common traits
    Issue 169, March-April 2024 - 27 Feb 2024

    GRDC Nuffield Scholar Jarrod Amery travelled Australia and the globe to learn from successful farmers.

  • Artificial intelligence eyed for scholar’s study
    Artificial intelligence eyed for scholar’s study
    Issue 169, March-April 2024 - 23 Feb 2024

    An interest in technology prompted Katrina Swift to apply for a Nuffield Scholarship to explore how artificial intelligence could benefit Australian grain growers.

  • Agronomy benchmarking program builds confidence to boost nitrogen inputs
    Agronomy benchmarking program builds confidence to boost nitrogen inputs
    Issue 169, March-April 2024 - 22 Feb 2024

    Cameron Sandral says participating in GRDC’s Hyper Yielding Crops awards has lifted confidence to increase urea inputs.

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