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issue 167, november december 2023

This page shows the articles in issue 167, november december 2023 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.

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32 results found:
  • Healthy and sustainable foods in Asia: what are the opportunities?
    Healthy and sustainable foods in Asia: what are the opportunities?
    Issue 167, November-December 2023 - 08 Nov 2023

    AEGIC research will increase the Australian industry’s understanding of health and sustainability drivers within its value chains. Ultimately, this helps align Australian grain and systems with future demand in the most-profitable markets. Insights into consumer food product labelling trends will help the Australian grains industry respond to expected future demand in South-East Asia for products with strong health and sustainability claims.

  • Heavy stubble loads demand grower flexibility
    Heavy stubble loads demand grower flexibility
    Issue 167, November-December 2023 - 07 Nov 2023

    In most cases, what growers do to manage retained standing stubble largely depends on their seeding system, but it also can be influenced by crop rotations, weeds, diseases, pests, stubble load, harvest machinery and how much ground cover is desirable. After three consecutive La Nina years contributed to three big winter crops, many growers have found heavy stubble loads increasingly challenging at sowing.

  • Eyes on the sky as drier season affects expectations
    Eyes on the sky as drier season affects expectations
    Issue 167, November-December 2023 - 06 Nov 2023

    Growers from across Australia are reporting drier conditions in season 2023 than the two previous years. As they manage the cropping season, they are managing the return of El Niño conditions, after two very favourable years of La Nina.

  • Less haste, more speed for lentil desiccation timing
    Less haste, more speed for lentil desiccation timing
    Issue 167, November-December 2023 - 03 Nov 2023

    Wet years and late rain in recent years might have tempted some lentil growers to desiccate their crops a little early in an effort to bring on harvest. But patience is the key, according to long-time lentil growers, with recent research into desiccation strategies backing up their experience. There is little to be gained from spraying the crop too early.

  • Annual ryegrass targeted for termination in every crop
    Annual ryegrass targeted for termination in every crop
    Issue 167, November-December 2023 - 02 Nov 2023

    Tim Williams says the decision to buy a Seed Terminator is paying off with less reliance on pre-emergence herbicides in some crops.

  • Winning cereals shine in season dogged by grey skies and disease
    Winning cereals shine in season dogged by grey skies and disease
    Issue 167, November-December 2023 - 01 Nov 2023

    GRDC’s 2022 Hyper Yielding Crops award winners have been announced

  • Harvest weed seed control embraced to target escapes
    Harvest weed seed control embraced to target escapes
    Issue 167, November-December 2023 - 31 Oct 2023

    For the past six years, harvest weed seed control with chaff carts and now a mill have been used as a tactic to manage weeds.

  • Trial site lifts growers’ eyes beyond current yield benchmarks
    Trial site lifts growers’ eyes beyond current yield benchmarks
    Issue 167, November-December 2023 - 30 Oct 2023

    Closing the yield gap hinges on multiple management factors. South Australian grower Bruce McLean explains how he did it

  • Harvester upgrades keep safety first when logistical pressure is high
    Harvester upgrades keep safety first when logistical pressure is high
    Issue 167, November-December 2023 - 27 Oct 2023

    An accident when harvesting prompted Broden and Chris Holland to rethink their harvesting strategy.

  • Motivated grower surprised to take out SA award
    Motivated grower surprised to take out SA award
    Issue 167, November-December 2023 - 26 Oct 2023

    What did Sam Ballantyne and his family do to grow a hyper-yielding crop?

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