issue 154, september october 2021
This page shows the articles in issue 154, september october 2021 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.
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Benchmarking project helps to close yield gap
Issue 154, September-October 2021 - 24 Aug 2021The winners of the 2020 GRDC Hyper Yielding Crops awards have been announced
Project management a valuable farm business skill
Issue 154, September-October 2021 - 23 Aug 2021Logistics and planning expert Stephen MacPherson believes the secret to success, whether in farming or the corporate world, lies with better understanding the principles of project planning and operations management. Taking part in a recent GRDC Farm Business Update webinar, Mr MacPherson outlined the way he would like more growers to think and approach their businesses, with the likely consequences for better yield outcomes, business efficiencies and profits.
Paddock maps track Jack Frost
Issue 154, September-October 2021 - 23 Jul 2021A new model-based system developed by CSIRO researchers enables growers to map frost movement over paddocks. Minimum temperature maps of paddocks offer the chance to bring damaging frost episodes into clearer focus on a farm scale.