issue 145, march april 2020
This page shows the articles in issue 145, march april 2020 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.
GroundCover is also distributed every two months via mail. If you would like to subscribe to receive the hardcopy magazine, visit our subscription page.
Survey sheds light on crop establishment in southern and western grains regions
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 24 Jan 2020Researcher encourages care with seeder set up to improve crop establishment.
Soft wheat industry eyes potential exports to Asian cake and biscuit market
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 23 Jan 2020The Asian cake and biscuit market shows potential for Australia's soft wheat exports.
Fighting weeds with plants in the west
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 23 Jan 2020Trials have highlighted canola's ability to fight weeds in the right conditions.
Growers across western grainbelt to get up-to-date grains R&D findings and industry insights
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 22 Jan 2020WA grain growers encouraged to attend GRDC Updates for regionally-relevant information.
Dual-purpose cereal lifts profit per hectare on central New South Wales farm
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 22 Jan 2020Returns boosted by using dual-purpose wheat for grazing and grain.
Pick the right sowing time for maximum mungbean yields
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 16 Jan 2020Queensland trials find time of sowing has the greatest effect on mungbean yield.
It is important for growers to know the costs and benefits of dry ripping
Issue 145, March-April 2020 - 15 Jan 2020Benefits of deep ripping can be more difficult to calculate during dry periods.