issue 144, january february 2020
This page shows the articles in issue 144, january february 2020 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.
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Field work and on-farm trials bring biosecurity risks that must be managed
Issue 144, January-February 2020 - 14 Jan 2020Growers reminded to closely manage biosecurity risks that come with trials and field work.
Legumes help fortify crop health as part of risk management strategy
Issue 144, January-February 2020 - 13 Jan 2020Pulses improve yield potential of following cereal by up to half a tonne per hectare
Wheat biodiversity delivers when dealing with heat stress
Issue 144, January-February 2020 - 03 Jan 2020AI breeding strategy for bread wheats uses genomic predictions to find stress solutions.
Australian soybean growers learn from US strip tillers
Issue 144, January-February 2020 - 03 Jan 2020GRDC-invested US study tour looks at similarities and differences in soybean systems.
Russian wheat aphid in Australia: researchers build a crop risk profile
Issue 144, January-February 2020 - 01 Jan 2020Scientists have been studying RWA since it was first detected in 2016.
Existing herbicides deployed to tackle glyphosate resistant weeds
Issue 144, January-February 2020 - 30 Dec 2019New uses identified for existing herbicides to help control glyphosate resistant weeds.
Tips to maximise potential of retained seed in NSW
Issue 144, January-February 2020 - 28 Dec 2019Grain can be susceptible to poor germination and low vigour so planting rates in 2020 may need to be adjusted.
Research assesses soil water strategies during dry conditions across Queensland and NSW
Issue 144, January-February 2020 - 28 Dec 2019Dry conditions highlight all-too-well the plight of cropping in a highly variable climate.
Researchers have solved the mystery of how the Ug99 strain of wheat rust evolved
Issue 144, January-February 2020 - 19 Dec 2019CSIRO scientists have discovered crucial information about a wheat stem rust fungus.
On-farm storage helps hedge against the dry and keep livestock fed
Issue 144, January-February 2020 - 17 Dec 2019Grower uses new and upgraded on-farm storage as part of drought management strategy.