Oilseeds, 14 Apr 2021
‘Hard yards’ pay off with record yield
From a dustbowl paddock to a world record, this high-yielding dual-purpose canola crop is testament to both bold research and innovative growers
Oilseeds, 05 Mar 2021
Read up on golden rules for growing canola
Grain growers in WA's low rainfall zone have access to a new publication to assist them to maximise the potential of canola – the 'Golden rules for canola in the low-rainfall zone'.
Oilseeds, 05 Nov 2020
New guide to help growers time windrowing in canola
Growers should check new guidelines to support their decision making and minimise losses from poor windrow timing.
Oilseeds, 16 Apr 2020
Early sown canola planted into stored soil moisture may hang on and yield better if there is a tough finish
Research demonstrates early-sown canola produces efficient roots to help boost yields.
Oilseeds, 04 Feb 2020
Can linseed make a comeback in the western region?
WA trials suggest linseed may have potential as alternative break crop to canola in HRZ.
Oilseeds, 22 Jul 2019
Canola yield loss from upper canopy blackleg infection can be reduced
Is upper canopy blackleg infection in canola reducing your profits?