Soil and Nutrition, 11 Mar 2020
How do you roll after soil amelioration?
A weighted roller towed behind a deep ripper or used post-ripping can improve soils.
Soil and Nutrition, 09 Mar 2020
Controlling traffic preserves soil amelioration benefits in sandy soils
CTF plays a major role in prolonging the longevity of soil amelioration.
Soil and Nutrition, 04 Mar 2020
Protecting against erosion in CTF requires planning and precision
Layout planning is vital with CTF to maintain operational efficiency and protect soils.
Soil and Nutrition, 04 Mar 2020
Controlling traffic cuts power and fuel requirements in many LRZ areas
Growers and researchers in LRZ report reduced fuel use and power requirements with CTF.
Soil and Nutrition, 03 Mar 2020
Southern LRZ puts soil compaction under the spotlight
Does controlled-traffic farming improve yields in the southern low-rainfall zone?
Soil and Nutrition, 28 Feb 2020
Amelioration of subsoil acidity in south-eastern Australia explored
Detailed field experiments across southern regions tackle subsoil acidity problem.
Soil and Nutrition, 28 Feb 2020
Controlled-environment and extensive trials provide insights into amelioration processes for sodic subsoils
Multi-agency research team unravels the effects of amendments on sodic soils.
Soil and Nutrition, 28 Feb 2020
Western growers advised to do multiple soil tests on problem paddocks
Avoid the average - accurate soil test results are best for crop fertiliser strategies.
Soil and Nutrition, 26 Feb 2020
Controlled traffic motto is 'Do it, but do it right'
CTF can make all farmers better, but there is no substitute for getting the basics right.
Soil and Nutrition, 24 Feb 2020
Seed placement and use of wetters may boost crop establishment in sandy areas
SA trials target use of on-row or edge-row sowing with soil wetters to lift crop yields.