Plant Breeding, 14 Nov 2021
Statistical modelling upgrade improves variety trials analysis
Varieties can be compared more easily across environments with a method that helps both breeders and growers understand yield’s biological drivers
Plant Breeding, 11 Nov 2021
Technique to tease apart traits improves germplasm selection
Traits for tolerance and resistance to crown rot can be separated in a new statistical method that is helping pre-breeders develop better germplasm
Plant Breeding, 10 Nov 2021
Genetic work aims to redirect stress pathway to plant growth
A greater understanding of the genes involved in chickpeas’ stress response could lead to enhanced plant growth
Plant Breeding, 03 Sep 2021
Machine learning powers-up heat tolerance gains
More powerful techniques are being deployed in a pre-breeding project to engineer a second wave of genetic gain in the heat tolerance of wheat varieties
Plant Breeding, 19 Aug 2021
Can machine learning solve complex grain production challenges?
GRDC’s investment in exploring potential applications for machine learning technology to help solve complex plant breeding and production challenges has produced some early successes
Plant Breeding, 01 Jul 2021
Barley breeding lines gain crown rot resistance
Three different sources of resistance to crown rot have been combined in barley elite lines destined for each grain growing region, with a fourth in the works and more resistance gene discovery work underway
Plant Breeding, 02 Jun 2021
Reduced lodging risks in high-yielding wheats on the horizon
A root trait has been identified that can help northern wheat varieties reduce lodging risks by providing improved soil anchorage
Plant Breeding, 09 May 2021
Genetic secrets of leading wheat varieties revealed
With genetic diversity the grist of genetic gain in crop performance, an international consortium has provided breeders with the ultimate framework for improving wheat cultivars
Plant Breeding, 02 Apr 2021
Drought-tolerant wheat genetics imminent
Novel genetics have been identified that help wheat maintain grain number and grain size under terminal drought conditions
Plant Breeding, 26 Feb 2021
SNB resistance a case study in genetic fluidity
Advanced analysis is helping to deploy newly discovered disease resistance genes against Septoria nodorum blotch (SNB) to achieve beneficial levels of protection under paddock conditions