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National disease surveillance guides management
Supplement: Cereal diseases, March-April 2021 - 10 03 2021Each year, pathologists from around Australia survey the incidence of disease in paddocks to stay abreast of developing issues and prioritise growers’ needs. The surveys also guide the development of disease management packages and new varieties with improved resistance.
Reducing the cost of disease in cereal crops
Supplement: Cereal diseases, March-April 2021 - 06 03 2021GRDC aims to reduce the impact of cereal diseases on grain production by supporting accurate disease identification, the deployment of disease-resistant genetic material via Australian breeding programs, and the provision of effective disease management strategies.
DNA testing innovation to reveal new insights
Supplement: Cereal diseases, March-April 2021 - 05 03 2021New DNA testing protocols to support surveillance programs are enabling a better understanding of pathogen incidence and distribution. The results are contributing new insights to inform disease research and management protocols.
Disease-resistant oats support bright future for crop
Supplement: Cereal diseases, March-April 2021 - 03 03 2021Growing demand from health-conscious consumers is leading to improved economic returns to growers and an increase in the area sown to oats. Further improving yield stability and disease resistance in oats will help growers capitalise on these opportunities.
Finding strategies to preserve disease resistance
Supplement: Cereal diseases, March-April 2021 - 02 03 2021While genetic resistance is a highly effective way to manage crop disease, such resistances can be easily overcome by pathogen evolution. Modelling of management options has identified opportunities to reduce selection pressure and preserve the effectiveness of resistance.
New tool measures disease resistance impact
Supplement: Cereal diseases, March-April 2021 - 27 02 2021A new tool is set to help growers and advisers better understand the potential yield loss associated with different levels of partial resistance in cereal diseases.
Accurate diagnosis essential for disease control
Supplement: Cereal diseases, March-April 2021 - 25 02 2021The NSW Department of Primary Industries’ cereal diagnostic service ensures accurate in-crop identification of diseases and other abiotic constraints. The results support the implementation of appropriate management strategies and provide an insight into seasonal variation and trends.
Overcoming durum’s Achilles heel
Supplement: Cereal diseases, March-April 2021 - 24 02 2021Durum wheat often commands a premium price, but its vulnerability to crown rot can make it a more risky option to bread wheat. New pre-breeding lines with the promise of better yields are being tested in national trials.
Eyespot resistance in sight
Supplement: Cereal diseases, March-April 2021 - 20 02 2021A new screening technique which allows researchers to easily compare eyespot resistance in cereals looks set to allow growers and breeders to identify varieties with better resistance.
Crown rot solutions pour into wheat breeding pipeline
Supplement: Cereal diseases, March-April 2021 - 18 02 2021While traditional sources of resistance and tolerance to Fusarium crown rot in wheat are limited, detailed genetic analysis and pre-breeding efforts have now yielded more than 70 wheat lines with superior disease robustness.