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issue 171, july august 2024

This page shows the articles in issue 171, july august 2024 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.

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42 results found:
  • 100-day wheat to beat the heat
    100-day wheat to beat the heat
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 31 Jul 2024

    Short-season winter-sown wheats have the potential to provide more windows of opportunity for growers

  • Geneticists aim to reduce frost’s toll on wheat
    Geneticists aim to reduce frost’s toll on wheat
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 30 Jul 2024

    Phytotron plant growth chambers at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, will play a starring role in new research aimed at identifying genes that might make wheat plants less vulnerable to late frost. The project named 'Developing new genetic approaches to decreasing the reproductive frost sensitivity of wheat' is researching methods of reducing the impact of spring frosts on wheat yields.

  • Cell membranes key to promising frost approach
    Cell membranes key to promising frost approach
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 29 Jul 2024

    The ability of plant cell membranes to flex instead of breaking or bursting at low temperatures could hold the key to reducing late spring frost damage in wheat and is the focus of new research into metabolites and lipids.

  • Fight against cereal rusts enters a new era
    Fight against cereal rusts enters a new era
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 26 Jul 2024

    The Australian Cereal Rust Control Program has entered a fifth phase, developing knowledge and technologies to better understand the pathogen and improve rust resistance in cereals. Here is a summation of the new work in progress.

  • One-stop pulse research shop
    One-stop pulse research shop
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 25 Jul 2024

    A new online hub featuring updates and results from pulse trials around Victoria has been designed for growers to find useful information fast

  • Hugh ‘Bugs’ Brier, Queensland IPM pioneer, retires
    Hugh ‘Bugs’ Brier, Queensland IPM pioneer, retires
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 24 Jul 2024

    Entomologist Hugh Brier is retiring after a 50-year career in the northern grains region, where he pioneered insect pest control for summer pulses including integrated pest management practices

  • Cold, wet conditions an eye-opener for travelling grains scholar
    Cold, wet conditions an eye-opener for travelling grains scholar
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 23 Jul 2024

    GRDC-supported student Grace Moloney is finding cropping systems in the UK, where she is on placement, very different to those where she grew up on South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula

  • Can you hold the fungicide in dry conditions?
    Can you hold the fungicide in dry conditions?
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 22 Jul 2024

    Trials demonstrate that faba bean varieties with tolerance to chocolate spot might eliminate the need for fungicide applications if spring conditions turn dry

  • Fungicide plan and soil data critical for faba beans
    Fungicide plan and soil data critical for faba beans
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 19 Jul 2024

    An agronomy consultant points to timely fungicide application and ‘must-have’ five-centimetre soil sampling to guide subsurface acidity amelioration

  • Vale lupin pioneer John Gladstones 1932–2024
    Vale lupin pioneer John Gladstones 1932–2024
    Issue 171, July-August 2024 - 18 Jul 2024

    The acclaimed father of Australia’s lupin industry and a world-leading authority on lupin as a crop, Dr John Gladstones, died in May, aged 92.

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