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issue 154, september october 2021

This page shows the articles in issue 154, september october 2021 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.

GroundCover is also distributed every two months via mail. If you would like to subscribe to receive the hardcopy magazine, visit our subscription page.

43 results found:
  • National Grower Network: listening, learning and responding
    National Grower Network: listening, learning and responding
    Issue 154, September-October 2021 - 20 Oct 2021

    GRDC has announced the National Grower Network will replace the Regional Cropping Solutions Network and Grower Solutions Group model as a consistent approach to identifying priority grain industry issues. The new approach started in July and will take 12 months to transition across the regions.

  • Lentil performance push in southern Australia
    Lentil performance push in southern Australia
    Issue 154, September-October 2021 - 14 Oct 2021

    Experimental lentil research exploring waterlogging tolerance, yield plasticity and growth-yield coupling helps to lift the pulse crop's performance across southern Australia.

  • Novel analysis to improve utility of on-farm research
    Novel analysis to improve utility of on-farm research
    Issue 154, September-October 2021 - 13 Oct 2021

    Innovative analysis is enabling more accurate interpretation of large-scale trials to inform management decisions. Combining yield maps, drone information, gross margins and potential more data will lead to vastly improved decision making for growers.

  • Good seasons blur wetters’ benefit
    Good seasons blur wetters’ benefit
    Issue 154, September-October 2021 - 12 Oct 2021

    Although season and soil type can influence their efficacy, wetters are another tool for growers looking for shorter-term and economical means to improve productivity from non-wetting soils.

  • Tackling clay with care after years of experience
    Tackling clay with care after years of experience
    Issue 154, September-October 2021 - 08 Oct 2021

    Peter Luberda shares his knowledge of clay spreading gained over many years.

  • Carbon capture? There’s an app for that
    Carbon capture? There’s an app for that
    Issue 154, September-October 2021 - 07 Oct 2021

    By simplifying the collection of soil samples via a mobile app, this ag-tech start-up is helping growers and agronomists better visualise soil health, paving the way for carbon sequestration

  • Innovation helps push snacks into Hong Kong market
    Innovation helps push snacks into Hong Kong market
    Issue 154, September-October 2021 - 06 Oct 2021

    Pulse-based snacks were a natural extension for a family with a long history of growing chickpeas, although launching in a pandemic adds some challenges

  • Years of spreading clay provide valuable lessons
    Years of spreading clay provide valuable lessons
    Issue 154, September-October 2021 - 05 Oct 2021

    Years of patient and thoughtful clay spreading by Peter Luberda on a property near Esperance has resulted in persisting productivity increases. Peter shares how taking a whole farm approach with a long-term view is paying dividends.

  • Lightening the record-keeping load
    Lightening the record-keeping load
    Issue 154, September-October 2021 - 04 Oct 2021

    Software developed on-farm is helping to ease the pain of task management – moving records from dusty, top-drawer diaries to easily collected cloud-based files

  • Mindset change to underpin new tools for low-rainfall cropping systems
    Mindset change to underpin new tools for low-rainfall cropping systems
    Issue 154, September-October 2021 - 03 Oct 2021

    Growers in the low-rainfall zones of Western Australia are being encouraged to rethink cropping systems, to review the role of fallow and to consider the returns of crop sequences on a longer timeframe

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