This year, 2022, has come to an end.
GRDC and the GroundCover team wish everybody a happy and festive seasonal break, and a prosperous year ahead.
We look forward to seeing you in the new year with more of your favourite GroundCover content.
In lieu of GroundCover’s shutdown, we have some of your favourite content lined up in case you missed it.
12 days of top GroundCover articles for 2022
In lieu of GroundCover’s shutdown, we have some of your favourite content lined up in case you missed it.
- GRDC commits $20m to build Australia’s research capacity
- How profitable is your harvester set up
- Temporary grain storage tips
- Versatile vetch builds system agility
- Agskilled to put growers behind the wheel this harvest with ag training
- Tips for using a modified one-way plough for soil mixing and inversion
- Stripe rust detected in wheat east of the nullabor
- Warning issued for growers harvesting wet paddocks
- Hyper yielding canola breaks 5-tonne yield target
- Delight in South Australia as grower sets new wheat yield benchmark
- Tasmanian grower earns top gong in agronomy awards
- Soil tonic mixed lime, deep-ripping and nutrition.
Ben and Sean Plozza with the modified one-way plough they built from their story Tips for using a modified one-way plough for soil mixing and inversion. Photo: GRDC.
Your top voted grower stories
You also loved these grower stories:
- Deep banding a winner for yields
- Research boosts yields in state’s south-east
- Lentil trial gives impetus to Wimmera pulses
- Multi-function amelioration concept revs into reality
- Tyne machine favoured for sticky sodic clays
- Machine learning swinging the odds against weeds
- Cotton ripper converted for deep-banding job
- Disc sowing lessons shared
- System and profit gains of long-season wheats
- Delight in South Australia as grower sets new wheat yield benchmark
- Satellites just the beginning in sensor journey
- Know your limits: managing fatigue critical to farm safety.
This is the face of a happy grower - Central Queensland’s Kurt Mayne, from his story Deep banding a winner for yields. Photo: GRDC.
Some top listening to get you through
If you don’t have time to read our stories, tune into one of our top listened podcasts:
- Beat the heat with late winter sown sorghum
- Getting the upper hand on annual ryegrass
- Stripe rust outlook for 2022
- Annual ryegrass resistance to pre-emergent herbicides snapshot
- Mouse control in Western Australia.
Dr Peter Boutsalis from the University of Adelaide explains, there's good news on his podcast Annual ryegrass resistance to pre-emergent herbicides snapshot. Photo: GRDC.
Dance the rest of the year away
If what we’ve got doesn’t quite fit your mood, jump over to Grain Producers SA’s Harvest 100 Spotify playlist. They have carefully curated 250 songs for you to choose from, especially if you’re still out harvesting.
Enjoy the rest of 2022, we’ll see in the new year.
From GRDC and GroundCover.