issue 147 july august 2020
This page shows the articles in issue 147 july august 2020 of GroundCover. As articles are developed and published online, the list below will grow until all articles are available.
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Weeds in paddocks the winners of 'evolutionary marathon'
Issue 147, July-August 2020 - 21 May 2020Tips for growers to stay ahead of weeds with a constantly changing set of control measures.
Statistics team helping to make gains in solving big grains research questions
Issue 147, July-August 2020 - 20 May 2020What are the stats on that? - Statistics helping to make gains in complex grains R&D questions.
Virtual support on offer for innovative grain growers
Issue 147, July-August 2020 - 19 May 2020Lockdown measures won't stop workshop opportunities for growers to get tips on innovation in grains sector.
New research points to lack of insecticide resistance in lucerne flea
Issue 147, July-August 2020 - 18 May 2020Testing by researchers reveals no signs of insecticide resistance in the costly lucerne flea.
Incremental improvements a winner when farming on the edge
Issue 147, July-August 2020 - 12 May 2020Low-margin operation on the edge of the Nullarbor Plain is a business success.
Serradella provides protein kick to wheat crops in WA
Issue 147, July-August 2020 - 11 May 2020Trials in WA's wheatbelt demonstrate value of pasture legumes to later cereal crops.
Early-sown canola may escape Blackleg clutches in southern regions
Issue 147, July-August 2020 - 08 May 2020Southern canola crops sown early in warm conditions may escape Blackleg disease impact this season.
Pasture legumes offer protein boost for subsequent cereals
Issue 147, July-August 2020 - 06 May 2020WA trials consider long-term benefits of pasture legumes to cropping rotations.
First case of mite resistance in Victoria provides a red flag to enact control
Issue 147, July-August 2020 - 04 May 2020Resistance finding, rain and cooler autumn temperatures in Victoria prompt advice to control RLEM.
Exotic cereal rust threats guide international testing of Australian varieties
Issue 147, July-August 2020 - 10 Jun 2019International testing to safeguard against the increasing risk of exotic cereal rusts.