Biosecurity, 04 Sep 2022
Where to now for wheat blast disease?
Wheat blast is a devastating disease with limited control options and, while the disease is not found in Australia, it presents a global risk to wheat production and is spreading around the world
Biosecurity, 04 Sep 2022
Three risk keys: research, resistance, reporting
Almost if not all Australian wheat and barley cultivars have at least some resistance to each of the three rust diseases. This resistance saves the wheat and barley industries an estimated $1.1 billion per year
Biosecurity, 04 Sep 2022
Fall armyworm steps and lessons
Fall armyworm is a highly invasive pest native to the Americas. It was first detected in Africa in 2016 and has subsequently expanded its distribution throughout Africa, the Middle East and Asia, with the first detections reported in tropical regions of northern Australia in early 2020
Biosecurity, 04 Sep 2022
Emergency-use chemicals
GRDC has multiple investments to improve exotic plant pest incursion preparedness. One key focus is obtaining emergency and minor-use permits of chemicals that might be needed to control future incursions
Biosecurity, 04 Sep 2022
What happens in a pest incursion?
The detection of emergency plant pests triggers a well-defined response
Biosecurity, 04 Sep 2022
Laying the foundations – a plan to guide grains biosecurity
The National Grains Biosecurity Plan is being reviewed to better protect grain growers from the increasing threat of exotic pest incursions
Biosecurity, 03 Sep 2022
Heightened alert for khapra beetle
An increase in detections of khapra beetle on non-commodity imports and sea containers has resulted in the federal government implementing a range of biosecurity procedures aimed at addressing risks
Industry Insights, 09 Aug 2022
Vehicle washdowns: prevention is better than cure
One of the first lines of defence in preventing biosecurity threats from entering and spreading on-farm is washing down all vehicles and machinery, including those belonging to visitors and contractors. Vehicle washdown areas do not have to be state of the art and expensive; they just need to be fit for purpose.
Biosecurity, 04 Aug 2022
Surveillance around the country
All states and territories conduct a range of surveillance activities throughout the year. The following provides a snapshot of projects and programs currently underway
Biosecurity, 27 Apr 2022
Chemical residues in crops could harm safe grain status
The Australian Government’s National Residue Survey helps to manage the risk of chemical residue and environmental contaminants in food products. The NRS tests for residues of pesticides and environmental contaminants in 21 grains, pulses and oilseeds.