Working closely with growers and others in the grains supply chain, specialist biosecurity officers operate in each of the grain growing regions of New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.
The grains biosecurity officers (GBOs) work with the Grains Farm Biosecurity Program (GFBP), which is Australia’s flagship biosecurity extension program. Launched in 2007, the program is managed by Plant Health Australia (PHA) and funded by growers through Grain Producers Australia and state governments.
PHA manages the national program, which develops key information resources and tools, such as farm gate biosecurity signs, fact sheets, communication products and management guides to assist the officers in raising awareness.
The GBO team works across three main areas:
- surveillance coordination;
- sharing information on managing farm biosecurity risk; and
- enhancing industry awareness and preparedness.
Surveillance is an important tool for early detection of pests and diseases. Growers and advisers can greatly increase our chances of early detection through crop monitoring and reporting unusual pests and diseases. GBO surveillance activities and increasing levels of industry reporting help maintain access to world markets for Australian grain exports.
Kate Glastonbury (NSW GBO) collecting a wall trap sample for Khapra beetle. Photo: Zoe Edwards, NSW DPI
The GBOs play an essential role in raising awareness of the industry’s main exotic pest threats. They work with industry to improve farm hygiene practices that minimise the risk of disease and pest entry and spread on farms.
GBOs target surveillance for specific pests by using tools such as pheromone traps, monitoring and inspecting stored grain, and following up on community information received through the Exotic Plant Pest (EPP) Hotline. These tactics encourage growers to closely inspect their crops and report any changes or new pests and diseases to the EPP hotline.
On a day-to-day basis, the GBOs attend field days, industry events, meetings and workshops, where they connect with growers, agronomists and government colleagues, such as Local Land Services officers. They provide training on surveillance techniques, how to identify pests, how to send samples for suspect exotic pests and they share information about managing and reducing risks at farm level.
Since the program’s inception, the GBOs have distributed thousands of farm biosecurity signs and helped growers to set up their daily activities in a way that protects their business and the industry.
Establishing good biosecurity practices on-farm is not only good for individual businesses but it also adds another layer of protection to Australia’s world-class biosecurity system.
If you spot anything unusual or find something you are not sure about, call the EPP Hotline on 1800 084 881.
More information: Contact one of the grains biosecurity officers in your region for more information on how to implement farm biosecurity practices on your property.
Visit the Grains Farm Biosecurity website for more information, latest news and helpful resources about grains farm biosecurity.
New biosecurity hub for the grains industry
Plant Health Australia (PHA), in partnership with Grain Producers Australia (GPA), has launched an online hub of industry-specific biosecurity resources and tools.
Designed with grain growers in mind, the easy-to-use Grains Farm Biosecurity website provides fact sheets, videos, how-to guides, online training and strategies to prepare producers to manage on-farm biosecurity risks.
The Grains Farm Biosecurity website portal.
“With zero market tolerance for live pests in grain, farm biosecurity should be top of mind,” says Stuart Kearns, PHA’s national manager of preparedness and research, development and extension. “The new website offers a suite of practical biosecurity management tools that make a big difference.”
The industry-specific website provides:
- biosecurity best practices;
- information about grain crops grown in Australia;
- pest reporting guidance;
- a pest and disease database;
- industry news; and
- a list of field days and other industry events.
Delivered as part of the Grains Farm Biosecurity Program, which was established in 2007 and managed by PHA, the website aims to improve the management and preparedness for biosecurity risks in the grains industry at farm and industry levels.
Everyone has a role to play in protecting Australia against harmful pests and diseases, so if you spot anything unusual or find something you are unsure about, call the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881.
Visit the Grains Farm Biosecurity website for the latest grains biosecurity news and information.