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Benefits of oats beyond the breakfast table

Beyond their role in disease prevention, oats boast antioxidant properties that combat inflammation and oxidative stress.
Photo: GRDC

Oats have been a popular cereal grain for centuries due to their taste and convenience. Their benefits extend beyond the breakfast table, as they are a nutritional powerhouse with various health benefits.

Oats are rich in dietary fibre, protein, good fats and essential nutrients such as B vitamins and minerals, offering a strong nutritional profile that supports overall wellbeing.

A key contributor to their impact on health is their beta-glucan content, a carbohydrate that slowly breaks down in the digestive system. The breakdown of beta-glucans can improve the bacteria in the gut and strengthen the intestinal barrier function, which acts as the first line of defence against disease.

Oats’ beta-glucan and insoluble fibre content can enhance gut health by regulating bowel movements, reducing the risk of constipation and preventing colorectal cancer.

Managing health conditions

One of the other primary benefits of eating oats is their ability to prevent and assist in managing non-communicable conditions, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

The beta-glucans in oats can help reduce overall cholesterol, promote stable blood sugar levels, and improve immune system function, all contributing to lowered risk of these conditions.

Beyond their role in disease prevention, oats boast antioxidant properties that combat inflammation and oxidative stress. The polyphenols in oats exhibit potent anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour properties, further strengthening their health-promoting effects.

Incorporating oats into the diet can be a simple and effective strategy for promoting overall health.

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