Grain growers in South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula are invited to help direct how their levies should be invested in research, development and extension (RD&E) at a series of forums to be held across the region in March.
GRDC will hold four National Grower Network (NGN) forums at Ceduna, Wirrulla, Port Kenny and Wangary with growers, researchers, advisers, agronomists and industry representatives encouraged to attend.
The NGN brings together growers and grains industry stakeholders to directly engage with GRDC to help develop locally relevant RD&E investments.
Eyre Peninsula (EP) advisor and GRDC Southern Panel member Andrew Ware says NGN forums are a great opportunity for growers to speak directly to GRDC staff and have a say.
“The NGN forums are the most direct way growers can tell GRDC about the issues they are observing and experiencing on their farms, and what RD&E they think is required to improve their farm business,” Mr Ware says.
Feedback from EP growers has shaped this year’s NGN forum topics which will cover calcareous soils, snails, saline seeps and soil microbiology. Photo: Rebekah Starick, GRDC
“The forums generate great discussion about farm productivity and farming systems management, and we find new regionally specific investment ideas are generated.
“Feedback from growers in the EP region suggests managing calcareous soils, snails, saline seeps and soil microbiology are of interest, so we have selected guest presenters working on GRDC projects to attend and present these topics.”
GRDC grower relations manager – south, Courtney Ramsey, says the forums are an important tool to drive investments in the region.
“I encourage growers who haven’t been to an NGN before to come – not only do you get to help guide how we invest, but we also have experts speaking about local issues of interest too.”
NGN forums are free of charge and will be led by GRDC grower relations manager – south Rebekah Starick and crop protection officer – south Ruth Peek.
Registration is essential. Refreshments and food will be provided.
CEDUNA (Local farmer’s shearing shed) | 3.00pm-7.30pm, Wednesday 20 March 2024
This forum will provide an update on local GRDC investments and feature Dr Chris McDonough, Insight Extension for Agriculture, presenting an update on sodic soils. The forum will include Dr Gupta Vadakattu, CSIRO, who will present on calcareous soil management. It will also feature an update from Dr Nigel Wilhelm, SARDI, who will present on managing highly calcareous soils considering managing P, utilising bio-char, deep ripping strategies and improving fertility of the subsoil.
Register and view the agenda for the 2024 Ceduna NGN forum.
WIRRULLA FOOTBALL CLUBROOMS | 9.00am-1.15pm, Thursday 21 March 2024
This forum will provide an update on local GRDC investments and feature Dr Gupta Vadakattu, CSIRO, presenting an update on microbiology in calcareous soils, N cycling and availability in calcareous soils, and Rhizoctonia and disease suppression in calcareous soils. It will also feature an update from Dr Nigel Wilhelm, SARDI, who will present on managing highly calcareous soils considering managing P, utilising bio-char, deep ripping strategies and improving fertility of the subsoil.
Register and view the agenda for the 2024 Wirrulla NGN forum.
PORT KENNY HOTEL | 4.30pm-8.45pm, Thursday 21 March 2024
The forum will provide an update on local GRDC investments and feature Dr Gupta Vadakattu, CSIRO, presenting an update on calcareous soils. It will also feature an update from Dr Nigel Wilhelm, SARDI, who will present on managing highly calcareous soils considering managing P, utilising bio-char, deep ripping strategies and improving fertility of the subsoil.
Register and view the agenda for the 2024 Port Kenny NGN forum.
WANGARY – MARBLE RANGE COMMUNITY & SPORTS CENTRE | 11.00am-3.15pm, Friday 22 March 2024
The forum will provide an update on local GRDC investments and feature Dr Kym Perry, PIRSA – grains entomology, who will present on snail control, covering key management strategies such as integrated control, weed management, and baiting approach. The forum will include Dr Gupta Vadakattu, CSIRO, who will present on calcareous soil management. It will also feature an update from Dr Nigel Wilhelm, SARDI, who will present on managing highly calcareous soils considering managing P, utilising bio-char, deep ripping strategies and improving fertility of the subsoil.
Register and view the agenda for the 2024 Wangary NGN forum.