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GRDC Websites

82 results found
  • Mission to decode the oat genome
    Cereals, 17 Jan 2023
    Mission to decode the oat genome

    Australia has secured early and ongoing involvement in an international venture to sequence the oat pan genome. Through investment with Murdoch University, GRDC has ensured inclusion of Australian oat varieties in the pan-genome initiative, PanOat. Mapping the genomes of key Australian oat varieties together with diverse international lines will lay the foundation for genomic assisted selection and accelerate Australian oat breeding.

  • Oats benefit from joining InterGrain stable
    Cereals, 16 Jan 2023
    Oats benefit from joining InterGrain stable

    When InterGrain successfully tendered for the Australian oat breeding program in 2020, InterGrain brought efficiencies of scale and the latest technologies to the endeavour. Together with forging key scientific collaborations the company is seeking to make a step change in oat performance for Australian growers.

  • Beyond breakfast for Aussie oats
    Cereals, 13 Jan 2023
    Beyond breakfast for Aussie oats

    Noodles, rice, couscous, semolina, bubble tea – oats are becoming an option for lunch, dinner and snacks. The Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre are developing these products for growing markets for Australian oats into Asia.

  • Long game to expand Australian oat markets
    Cereals, 12 Jan 2023
    Long game to expand Australian oat markets

    The volume of oats required for milling within Australia is continuing to grow, providing a solid foundation for Australian oat growers, so future markets are being sought and the target is Asia.

  • GRDC harnesses science and innovation for oats
    Cereals, 11 Jan 2023
    GRDC harnesses science and innovation for oats

    Oats are entering a new era as they move from animal fuel to human health food. Whilst the nutritional benefits of the species are being dissected to address growing life-style diseases, GRDC are harnessing cutting-edge science and innovation to drive improvements for oats.

  • Pre-harvest sprouting management
    Cereals, 10 Nov 2022
    Pre-harvest sprouting management

    A recent GRDC survey coordinated by Stirlings to Coast Farmers has found 60 per cent of growers have discarded a desirable wheat variety as it had proven susceptible to sprouting. As part of a preparedness plan Jeremy Curry from DPIRD Esperance encourages growers to consider Falling number index ratings – a measure of pre-harvest sprouting susceptibility of wheat varieties- alongside other factors when selecting suitable varieties for an environment and sowing date.

  • System and profit gains of long-season wheats
    Cereals, 16 Sep 2022
    System and profit gains of long-season wheats

    As more long-season cereal types are becoming commercially available, they are providing system and profit benefits as demonstrated by a trial managed by Southern Dirt at West Muradup in southern WA.

  • Long, longer, longest: new trials weigh up benefits of long coleoptile wheat varieties
    Cereals, 28 Apr 2022
    Long, longer, longest: new trials weigh up benefits of long coleoptile wheat varieties

    New trials in WA are weighing up the benefits of long coleoptile wheat varieties. They’re part of a two-year GRDC investment, led by SLR Agriculture, focusing on the long coleoptile trait.

  • Pre-breeding co-investment tackles sorghum lodging
    Cereals, 14 Apr 2022
    Pre-breeding co-investment tackles sorghum lodging

    A new $11.6 million, five-and-a-half-year joint investment aims to address lodging in sorghum, an issue consistently rated as the most significant concern facing sorghum growers

  • New efforts to tackle irregular grain quality
    Cereals, 05 Mar 2022
    New efforts to tackle irregular grain quality

    Researchers are exploring possible ways to mitigate the risk of price discounts after rain falls on mature wheat crops

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