If passion, dedication and enthusiasm were inputs, John Bennett would never have to worry about supply shortages.
The grain grower from Lawloit in Victoria’s West Wimmera exudes an infectious exuberance that has fuelled positive outcomes in Australian grains RD&E over the past 10 years.
Earlier this year, John stepped down from the role of chair of GRDC’s Southern Panel, a position he assumed in 2018 after having been a panel member since 2015. Prior to joining the panel, John was an inaugural member of GRDC’s southern Regional Cropping Solutions Network (RCSN) which was established in 2012.
He describes the past 10 years as having been intense, but overwhelmingly enjoyable and rewarding.
“My involvement with GRDC in those various roles hasn’t been about me. It’s about the people I have worked with and those I have represented – the growers who pay their levy for GRDC to invest in RD&E on their behalf,” John says.
“What I have truly enjoyed is being surrounded by people who are so focused on the common cause of delivering impact for our growers.”
A collaborative effort
Members of the Southern Panel are at the top of John’s list when it comes to acknowledging effort and contribution.
“The panel is such a cohesive one and the members are incredibly talented. They provide exceptional cross-industry representation and sound advice to ensure GRDC investments are fit-for-purpose and deliver value for money,” he says.
John says he will be forever grateful for the support of the panel members – especially deputy chair Kate Wilson – during his time as chair, which was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and, most notably, the sudden death of Tasmanian panel member Michael Chilvers.
“The hardest part of the job was having to work through the tragic loss of Michael – who was immensely liked and respected by all who knew him – but it was nothing compared with what his family has gone through.”
Despite such adversity, John was a galvanising force in maintaining the panel’s operations and functionality.
The collaborative relationship between the panel and GRDC staff is another positive aspect of his tenure that John acknowledges, along with the support he has received over the years from his home at Lawloit.
“I’ve been fortunate to have a wife and business partner in Allison who has expertly managed the farm while I’ve been away, along with my son Hamish and daughter Sophie. I couldn’t have fulfilled the role of panel chair without Allison, my children and our competent staff.”
Pictured on a GRDC Southern Region Panel spring tour in South Australia are former Deputy Chair Kate Wilson, of Hopetoun (Victoria), and former Panel Chair John Bennett, of Lawloit (Victoria). Photo: GRDC
John has stepped away from panel duties satisfied and encouraged by what has been achieved during that time and the potential that exists for further gains to be realised.
Some of those success stories include the Hyper Yielding Crops investment that had its genesis in Tasmania and has now expanded to the mainland, generating enormous interest from growers enthused by opportunities to push the economically attainable yield boundaries of wheat, barley and canola.
He says the $18 million national Dryland Legume Pasture Systems project, aimed at developing innovative legume pastures on mixed farms in low to medium-rainfall areas of western and southern Australia, has been another standout initiative.
This large, collaborative, five-year investment, for which John was the committee chair for much of its duration, has led to the development of profit-boosting and risk-reducing pasture options.
He also had oversight of GRDC’s bilateral partnerships with Agriculture Victoria (Victorian Grains Innovation Partnership) and the South Australian Research and Development Institute, the research division of the Department of Primary Industries and Regions.
John has handed the panel chair baton to Andrew Russell, who he describes as being the right personality type for the role. Andrew is a grower and company director from Rutherglen in north-eastern Victoria.
“I’m delighted that Andrew has been appointed as the new chair. He is such a critical thinker and because of his background brings so many valuable insights to the role.
“It’s comforting knowing that the panel will be well led by Andrew and that he will be supported by such a capable team, which includes the new deputy chair Pru Cook.”