The latest grains research and innovation relevant to Western Australia’s growing regions will be showcased for growers at the upcoming Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) Regional Grains Research Updates.
GRDC will run five regional updates throughout March in Bencubbin, Northampton, Dalwallinu, Albany and Hopetoun.
GRDC Western Region Panel chair Darrin Lee said the regional events delivered strategic and innovative information to growers and advisers in each location.
“Hosted in partnership with local grower groups, the regional Grains Research Updates bring the latest grains research to WA growers’ doorsteps,” Mr Lee said.
“These events are critical in enabling growers to keep up with and adopt the changes to farming practices and technologies that are most relevant for their growing region.”
The full-day events will be held at:
- Bencubbin at Bencubbin Recreation Centre – Tuesday 2 March
- Northampton at Northampton Community Centre – Wednesday 8 March
- Dalwallinu at Dalwallinu Recreation Centre – Tuesday 14 March
- Albany at Retravision Stadium – Monday 20 March
- Hopetoun at Hopetoun Community Centre, Wednesday 22 March
GRDC Western Region Panel chair Darrin Lee said the regional Grains Research Updates deliver strategic and innovative information to growers and advisers across the state.
The Bencubbin update will feature presentations on carryover of nitrogen, crop rotations and diversity for minimum risk and maximum returns, summer weed control and options for managing sodic soils.
At the Northampton update, presenters will focus on re-engineering soils, growing barley profitably in the region, getting the most out of potassium, the fit of long coleoptile wheat, native budworm activity and new genetics for improved canola establishment.
The Dalwallinu update will feature understanding yield responses to phosphorous, defeating herbicide resistance, reengineering soils, management of ice nucleating bacteria and new germplasm to handle heat stress tolerance in barley.
Growers at the Albany update will hear about grain export supply chain challenges, reducing grain farming emissions, amelioration of grey clay soil and glyphosate alternatives for summer and pre-seeding knockdown weed control.
Hopetoun will include sessions on optimising nutrition for canola, fungicide approaches for Net Form Net Blotch on barley, an overview of pest strategies relevant to the region, carbon emission reduction and options for managing sodic soils.
GRDC senior regional manager – west, Peter Bird, said the regional updates were a valuable source of agronomic and industry information for growers.
“Many sessions feature findings from GRDC research investments, and presenters will deliver their findings as practical advice to give growers tools and strategies they can implement on-farm,” Mr Bird said.
“I encourage growers in each of the WA port zones to get along to their regional update to hear from the best and brightest minds in grains research, development and extension.”
More information: to register for the Update and see the full program visit GRDC Updates or contact Grain Industry Western Australia (GIWA) on 08 6262 2128 or