Two-way conversations exploring local grain production constraints and opportunities will occur when key Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) personnel embark on a tour of the Kwinana West and Albany port zones in mid-September.
GRDC Western Region Panel members and staff will tour districts in the port zones from September 12 - 15, meeting with local growers, grower group representatives, researchers and advisers in a range of locations including farms and trial sites.
members and staff will tour districts in the port zones from September 12 - 15, meeting with local growers, grower group representatives, researchers and advisers in a range of locations including farms and trial sites.
The Panel plays a critical advisory and strategic role in informing GRDC investments in research, development and extension (RD&E) to create enduring profitability for grain growers.
GRDC board members, staff and panel members from other grain growing regions across Australia will also join the tour, providing an opportunity to meet with growers and gain a first-hand understanding of local and regional challenges.
Panel chair and Mingenew/Dongara grain grower Darrin Lee says the annual tours ensure GRDC develops a deep understanding of the issues facing local growers. Image: Rosie Henderson.
Panel chair and Mingenew/Dongara grain grower Darrin Lee says the Panel’s annual tours ensure GRDC develops a deep understanding of the issues facing local growers and identifies any gaps for potential GRDC investment.
“As GRDC embarks on consultation and development of its 2023-28 RD&E Plan throughout this year, it’s vitally important that we have constructive two-way conversations about the issues impacting on grower profitability,” Mr Lee says.
“GRDC recognises that grain growers operate in an evolving environment that impacts on their profitability in changing ways.
“To help GRDC deliver on its purpose we must constantly have our ears to the ground so that we are as responsive as possible to grower needs, and this involves ongoing consultation.
“These tours complement multiple other ways in which GRDC regularly engages with growers and industry representatives – such as through the GRDC National Grower Network forums.”
The tour will begin at Dale before moving through Bulyee, Wickepin, Corrigin, Highbury, Narrogin, Williams and Quaelup, finishing at the wheat and barley hyper-yielding field day with FAR Australia in Frankland on September 15.
Growers and industry representatives seeking details about the GRDC Western Region Panel tour can contact the Perth office on or 08 9230 4600.