Career opportunities in the Western Australian grains industry will be in focus at the Grains Research Update in Perth on February 26 in a dedicated grains industry leaders panel session for tertiary agricultural students.
The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) Grains Research Update – Perth is the state’s premier grains industry forum and will be held on February 26 and 27 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.
The breakout panel session, new in 2024, is titled Career opportunities in the grains industry and has been specially convened for tertiary agriculture students.
It is designed to build industry capacity, showcase the sector, and explore pathways of current leaders and their roles and businesses. Speakers include the Hon. Jackie Jarvis, MLC Minister for Agriculture and Food and GRDC Managing Director Nigel Hart.
In addition to facilitating the panel discussion, the Mt Burdett Foundation will sponsor up to 100 tertiary agricultural students to attend the Grains Research Update free of charge for day one of proceedings.
GRDC Managing Director Nigel Hart says the initiative would open the door for a whole new cohort of future grains industry professionals to attend the GRDC Updates and provide an opportunity for students to engage with some of the grain’s industry’s high calibre leaders.
GRDC Managing Director Nigel Hart is set to speak at the panel session on Career opportunities in the grains industry at the Grains Research Update – Perth on February 26. Photo: GRDC
“Presenters will focus on their own career pathways to the industry leadership role they hold, and also what inspires them to work and serve the industry,” Mr Hart says.
“The aim is to inspire the next generation of professional growers and agribusiness personnel to grasp the opportunities available for a fulfilling career in the grains industry.”
The Mt Burdett Foundation is the legacy of Esperance farmer Chris Reichstein and aims to enrich and empower the Esperance region and the wider rural and regional WA by building skills, confidence, opportunity and leadership.
Mt Burdett Foundation committee member and panelist for the session Peter Roberts says WA agriculture continued to be a growing, exciting industry that benefits enormously from innovation and scientific endeavour.
Mt Burdett Foundation committee member Peter Roberts said attracting and developing educated, talented people to agriculture ensures a vibrant industry and strong regional communities. Photo: Peter Roberts
“Attracting and developing educated, talented people to agriculture will be necessary to ensure we continue to have a vibrant industry and strong regional communities,” Mr Roberts says.
“Through the Mt Burdett Foundation, our aim is to bring Chris’s dream to reality by supporting individuals and groups in developing the social and economic fabric our rural communities.”
The panel session is at 4pm on day 1 of the Grains Research Update. The panel line-up includes:
- Hon. Jackie Jarvis MLC, Minister for Agriculture and Food
- Simon Stead, Chair CBH Group
- Nigel Hart, MD GRDC
- Tress Walmsley, CEO InterGrain
- Peter Roberts, Mt Burdett Foundation
- Panel facilitator Bob Nixon, GRDC Board Member and Kalannie grower.
An interactive Q&A session will follow the panel presentations. Students will also be encouraged to network and meet grains industry professionals at the sundowner immediately following the session.
Registrations are open for the Grains Research Update – Perth, with the program featuring more than 50 concurrent sessions over two days on issues impacting crop choices and farming systems; markets, soils and agronomy, weed management, emissions, climate and weather, diseases, technology and nutrition.
For more information or to register visit GIWA 2024 research updates or GRDC Updates; contact GIWA on 08 6262 2128 or
Students interested in attending the Career opportunities in the grains industry session will be invited to attend via their university course coordinators.