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New GRDC Western Panel Chair appointed

Former Wickepin grain grower Gary Lang has been announced as the new GRDC Western Region Panel Chair.
Photo: Evan Collis/GRDC

Gary Lang from Wickepin in Western Australia has been appointed as the new Chair of the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) Western Region Panel.

Mr Lang is an active member of the GRDC Western Region Panel, joining in 2020. He brings to the role a clear passion for the grains industry and a commitment to generating positive change for grain growers.

He will take over the role in September 2024 from Darrin Lee, who has been Western Region Panel Chair since 2018.

GRDC Board Chair John Woods today congratulated Mr Lang on his appointment and paid tribute to outgoing Chair Darrin Lee.

“Since his appointment as a member of the GRDC Western Region Panel, Gary has been a significant and valued contributor, ensuring GRDC investments reflect the priorities of western region growers to deliver real impact on farm,” Mr Woods says.

“Gary’s passion for investing in research, his connections across the industry and his commitment to a sustainable and profitable grains sector will position him well to lead the Western Region Panel.”

Mr Lang, whose farming family celebrated a century of production in 2023, has been a grower for 42 years, during which time he grew the farm from a 1,000-hectare Merino stud enterprise to a 5,600ha cropping-focused business.

From a research perspective, Mr Lang has hosted research trials on-farm for 20 consecutive years, including GRDC National Variety Trials (NVT). He was a catalyst in initiating frost research relating to residual stubble and was a valued member of the GRDC National Frost Initiative steering committee.

He is a past president and life member of the Facey Group and has also served in several of the grower group’s committee roles.

Mr Lang acknowledged outgoing GRDC Western Panel Chair Darrin Lee, who he says had made a significant contribution over the past 10 years to inform GRDC’s research, development and extension (RD&E) outcomes.

“Darrin’s easy-going leadership style has supported the Panel to understand and consider the needs and priorities of growers when it comes to investing in RD&E.”

Mr Lang says he was looking forward to aiding the GRDC Western Panel and GRDC more broadly to support growers, their farming enterprises and the entire grains industry.

“I have been fortunate to be involved in farming over many years, and I look forward to continuing to work closely with growers, research partners and GRDC staff. It is not my ideas but theirs that will take things forward.”

In his new role Mr Lang will also sit on GRDC’s National Panel alongside the other GRDC Regional Panel Chairs.

Mr Woods also thanked Mr Lee for his contribution to GRDC and wished him well for his future endeavours.

“I would like to thank Darrin for his time on the GRDC Western Panel and as Panel Chair, for his leadership and insight into the needs and priorities of western growers,” he says.

“Darrin has had an influential role as GRDC Western Panel Chair that has benefitted GRDC and the grains industry more broadly.”

GRDC’s Regional Panels play a critical role in grower engagement, ground-truthing GRDC initiatives, and communicating outcomes of investments. Read more about GRDC’s Region Panels.

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